Manuscript handling and reviewing policy

The submitted manuscripts to the “International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences” (IJNSS) are primarily checked by managing editor/ section editor whether a manuscript is prepared following author guidelines or not. At the same time, the relevance of the manuscript within the aims and scope of the journal is also evaluated by managing editor/ section editor before further processing and initial decision. If the manuscript is not well formatted, it will be immediately sent back to the corresponding author. Sometimes minimum error in the formatting by the author is considered.

We follow the double blind peer review policy. Author(s) identity (name, address / affiliation, country, phone / fax and e-mail) is removed from the manuscript and shielded from the reviewers during the review process. Any identical information in acknowledgement section is also removed. On the other hand, identity of Reviewer’s/
Editor of initial manuscript screening are not disclosed to authors.

Once a submitted article pass the preliminary criteria then articles are sent to at least two reviewers for their peer review process. Depending on reviewer comments, the decision is made by Chief Editor and managing editor along with section editors whether an article could be accepted or accepted with minor revision or accepted after major correction or rejected with further comments for improvements. For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.

The rejected article is sent back to corresponding author when appropriate with editor’s comments by e-mail from managing editor

After acceptance of the article, Editorial office will communicate with corresponding author within short time. Afterward, the corresponding author receive an article copy for proof reading by e-mail attachment. Upon authors satisfaction and consent with article content
then we request for authorization for publication with us.

The author and or co-author is requested to send back the signed and scanned ‘Copyright Agreement Form’ to us. In addition, the corresponding author is requested to made the payment of publication fee @ USD 50 (foreign author) and/or @ BD Taka 3000/- (Inland author) before an article to be published in IJNSS.

After successful authorization and payment, an article is immediately appeared in the online first followed by print (re-print) publication on request.

The management of IJNSS journal have rights to review and update this editorial policy periodically.

If you have any questions or comments about our Review Policy as outlined above, you can contact us at

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