Volume 4, Issue 1 (February 2017)
Review Articles
Phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of Clitoria ternatea | |||||
Authors: Lijon MB, Meghla NS, Jahedi E, Rahman MA and Hossain I ; Pages: 1-10 Md. Bakhtiar Lijon1 1Modern Food Testing Laboratory, Chittagong City Corporation, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Clitoria ternatea is a twining herbal medicinal plant mostly found in Asia. Various constituents are found in different parts of the plant. The plant Clitotia ternatea is traditionally used for food coloring, stress, infertility and gonorrhea. The plant has been widely used in Ayurveda. Pharmacologically it is an anxiolytic, anti inflammatory, analgesic, anti-microbial and anti carcinogenic. It is also Cns Depressant, nephroprotective and has anti-Stress activities. Generally Clitoria ternatea has larvicidal activities, proteolytic activities, antihelmintic activities, antihyperglycenmic activity, diuretic activity, antioxidant activity, antihistaminic activity and treat goiter. As Clitoria ternatea plant has great usefulness it should be cultivated, conserve and further research should be conducted for human well being. This article will focus on pharmaco-chemical characterization of Clitoria ternatea with the traditional and pharmacological uses of Clitoria ternatea. Keywords: Clitoria ternatea, Morphology, Phytochemistry,Pharmacological activity.
How to cite this article: Lijon MB, Meghla NS, Jahedi E, Rahman MA and Hossain I (2017). Phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of Clitoria ternatea. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 01-10. |
Research Articles
Pathological investigation of diseases in Sonali cross bred at Joypurhat district, Bangladesh | |||||
Authors: Hasan MM, Hossain MS, Mussa MT, Nabi MR, Rahman MM and Rashid SMH ; Pages: 11-18 Md. Mahabub Hasan1, Md. Shahadat Hossain2 1Department of Pathology and Parasitology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
An experiment on pathological investigation of diseases with emphasis on infectious bursal disease in Sonali cross bred at joypurhat district of Bangladesh was carried out from January, 2013 to June, 2013. A total of 294 dead birds were collected from different Sonali farms and history, clinical signs, characteristic gross morbid lesions and histopathological study were done. The highest proportional incidence of the disease in Sonali was recorded (25.51%) for infectious bursal disease (IBD) followed by Coccidiosis (21.09%), Newcastle Disease (19.39%), Colibacillosis (15.31%), Salmonellosis (8.5%), Fowl pox (5.10%), miscellaneous disease conditions (2.04%), Deficiency Disorders (1.36%), Aspergillosis (1.02%) and Aflatoxicosis (0.68%). The findings indicate that infectious bursal disease (IBD) was the major disease problem in Sonali farming at Joypurhat. Keywords: Pathology, Sonali cross bred, Infectious Bursal disease, Joypurhat.
How to cite this article: Hasan MM, Hossain MS, Mussa MT, Nabi MR, Rahman MM and Rashid SMH (2017). Pathological investigation of diseases in Sonali cross bred at Joypurhat district, Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 11-18. |
Situation analysis of child workers in Sylhet city, Bangladesh |
Authors: Sarker T, Sarker LR, Roy DC, Rinku SS, Sarker R and Roy R; Pages: 19-25 Tanwne Sarker1 1Department of Agricultural and Rural Development, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh
This study was carried out to investigate the existing situation of Child Labours in Sylhet City. In this study, a total numbers of 90 child labours were interviewed. Data were collected by well-organized questionnaire according to interview schedule and face-to-face interview of the respondents. Simple random sampling techniques were used. About 72.2% of child labours have both father and mother and more than half (53.3%) of the respondents live with their parents in a slum accommodation. In the surveyed city, about 28.9% of the respondent’s fathers were rickshaw pullers and most of the respondent’s mother (36.7%) worked as house servants. Majority of the respondents (61.1%) had nuclear family structure and their father is the main authority in their family. Most of them felt sad and bored during their works and they worked against their willingness. About 40.0% of the respondents in the Sylhet City wanted to continue their education in combination with their works. According to the opinion of the respondents the child working can be stopped by enhancing educational facilities and financial help but most of them (82%) replied that they have no knowledge about children right. Keywords: Child worker, Situation analysis, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Sarker T, Sarker LR, Roy DC, Rinku SS, Sarker R and Roy R (2017). Situation analysis of child workers in Sylhet city, Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 19-25. |
Effect of water use, growth and 15N recovery under lowland paddy field by different water management |
Authors: Rahman SM, Kakuda KI, Sasaki Y and Ando Ho; Pages: 26-38 Shah Moinur Rahman1 1Department of Soil Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh
The water and nitrogen (N) play a vital role in rice production aimed at high N use efficiency and water saving irrigation. Water saving management might affect the soil condition (oxidized and reduction) and these soil condition affects the fate of N in paddy soil also. We designed three irrigation regimes, conventional irrigation (Flooding), shallow water depth (SWD), and Non-flooding treatment, for our study. The fate of N and growth of rice were not different among treatments during early growth stage by water management. Root activity of rice during middle growth stage was high in SWD and this fact might be affected above ground biomass and so on during middle growth stage of rice. The recovery efficiency, N uptake and above-ground biomass at heading stage were higher in SWD than other two treatments. Despite water stress under Non-flooding water management at vegetative stage, yield did not differ from Flooding and can save much irrigation water during rice growing period. Keywords: Water saving irrigation, Shallow water depth,Non-flooding
How to cite this article: Rahman SM, Kakuda KI, Sasaki Y and Ando Ho (2017). Effect of water use, growth and 15N recovery under lowland paddy field by different water management. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 26-38. |
Effect of household waste and poultry manure on post-harvest soil of Okra field |
Authors: Khan RA et al., ; Pages: 39-48 1Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The study was conducted to know the status of soil fertility at post harvest stage of okra while using household waste and poultry manure. The results showed that the soil pH, organic carbon, CEC, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium and available sulphur content in post harvest soil of okra were increased due to application of organic manures as compared to initial soil, which indicated enrichment of soil fertility due to the use of household wastes and poultry manure decomposed for different periods. The treatment with 30 days aged HWN50+ urea N50 recorded the highest percentage of total N (0.12%) in post harvest soil of okra. Whereas the treatment with 30 days aged PMN50+ urea N50 recorded the highest available P (10.79 ppm), the highest exchangeable K (0.66 meq/100g soil) and the highest available S (24.28 ppm). The treatment of 60 PMN75 + urea N25 recorded the highest soil pH (6.22) which was near to neutral in the post-harvest soil of okra. The maximum organic carbon content (1.39%) was recorded in 30 HWN75 + urea N25. The highest CEC of post harvest soils of okra was found in the treatment of 30 HWN75 + urea N25. The densities of soil decreased slightly with the addition of organic manures indicating the improvement of the physical properties of soil. The lowest bulk density (1.44 g cm-3) at 0-15 cm depth was recorded in the treatments of 60 HWN50 + urea N50, 60 HWN25 + urea N75 and 30 PMN75 + urea N25. The study suggests that the application of poultry manure can supplement a large amount of soil nutrients for the standing crop as well as enrich the soil health providing improved chemical and physical properties. Keywords: Household waste, Poultry manure, Post-harvest soil, Okra.
How to cite this article: Khan RA, et al. (2017). Effect of household waste and poultry manure on post-harvest soil of Okra field. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 39-48. |
Yield maximization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L) through integrated nutrient management system |
Authors: Ahmed NU, Mahmud NU, Salim M, Halder SC and Ullah H; Pages: 49-56 Nizam Uddin Ahmed1, Nashir Uddin Mahmud2 1Scientific Officer, Tuber Crop Research Sub-station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Munsigonj, Bangladesh
The increasing food demands of a growing human population and the need for an environmentally friendly strategy for sustainable agricultural development require significant attention when addressing the issue of enhancing crop productivity. Here we discussed the role of integrated nutrient management (INM) in resolving these concerns, which has been proposed as a promising strategy for addressing such challenges. INM has multifaceted potential for the improvement of plant performance and resource efficiency while also enabling the protection of the environment and resource quality. Unbalanced use of chemical fertilizer is a problem in the intensive cropping systems on the Central part of Bangladesh. Proper nutrient management is essential to maximize potato production and sustain agricultural production while minimizing negative impacts on the soil fertility. The aim of the present study was to investigate nutrient dynamics, potato yields and soil fertility in response to balanced fertilization. A field experiment was conducted at the research station of the Tuber Crops Research Sub Centre (TCRSC), Munshiganj during 2012-2013 to evaluate Maximizing potato production through nutrient management. Six treatments viz. T1= Control, T2= 100% Recommended Dose, T3=Poultry manure + Recommended chemical fertilizer, T4=Cowdung manure + Recommended chemical fertilizer, T5= Poultry manure + 70% Recommended chemical fertilizer and T6= Cowdung manur+70% Recommended chemical fertilizer were evaluated for this purpose. The results indicated that the highest tuber yield (36.48 t/ha) was found from T4= Cowdung manur+ Recommended chemical fertilizer treatment. The lowest tuber yield (7.33 t/ha) was obtained from T1=Control treatment. Various approaches and perspectives for further development of INM in the near future are also proposed and discussed. Strong and convincing evidence indicates that INM practice could be an innovative and environmentally friendly strategy for sustainable agriculture for developing countries like Bangladesh. Keywords: Yield maximization, Integrated nutrient management, Potato.
How to cite this article: Ahmed NU, Mahmud NU, Salim M, Halder SC and Ullah H (2017). Yield maximization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L) through integrated nutrient management system. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 49-56. |
Struggling of child workers in Sylhet city, Bangladesh |
Authors: Sarker T, Sarker LR, Roy DC and Roy R; Pages: 57-63 Tanwne Sarker1 1Department of Agricultural and Rural Development, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh
A total numbers of 90 child workers were interviewed by the author during May to July in 2016 to investigate their working details in the Sylhet City. Data was collected by well-organized questionnaire and using interview schedule and face-to-face interviewed from the respondents. Simple random sampling techniques were used. The study showed that 86.7% child labours in Sylhet city were boys and 13.3% were girls. The study also reveals that 67.8% child labours came from the age group above 9-13 years and most of them (45.6%) work as hotel boy (waiter). Due to poverty most of them (66%) were engaged in these works. Although their levels of income are no so handsome (66.82 Tk. per day) but the lion’s share (48%) of children’s earnings was given to their parents/guardians. Their average working time was 8.43 hours per day and most of them were involved in workings for more than one and half years. Keywords: Child workers, Sylhet city, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Sarker T, Sarker LR, Roy DC and Roy R (2017). Struggling of child workers in Sylhet City, Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 57-63. |
Evaluation of the quality of sweetened condensed milk of different brands available in local markets of Bangladesh |
Authors: Siddique MNA, Islam MN, Habib MR, Rashid MHU, Islam MA and Afrin S; Pages: 64-70 Md. Nure Alam Siddique1, Md. Nurul Islam1 1Department of Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the qualities of sweetened condensed milk of four different brands (Danish, No.1, Carnation and Goalini plus) available in local markets of Bangladesh. Each brand was considered as treatment and three samples as replications were taken for each brand. Parameters studied in this experiment were physical (flavour, body & texture, colour and taste), chemical (acidity, total solids, carbohydrates, fat, protein and ash) and microbiological (total viable count and coliform count). In case of physical quality, all the four brands possessed the good quality grade and no significant (p>0.05) difference was observed. However, significant differences were revealed in case of total solids, carbohydrates, protein and ash content. On the other hand, insignificant differences were found (p>0.05) in case of acidity and fat content. No coliforms were detected which indicated that good sanitary measures were adopted during the manufacture and storage of the sweetened condensed milk. In conclusion, it can be said that Danish and Goalini plus brands of sweetened condensed milk were found to be better than that of No.1 and Carnation condensed milk. Keywords: Sweetened condensed milk, Brand milk, Quality, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Siddique MNA, Islam MN, Habib MR, Rashid MHU, Islam MA and Afrin S (2017). Evaluation of the quality of sweetened condensed milk of different brands available in local markets of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 64-70. |
Assessment of composition of different types of food in Barisal city area of Bangladesh |
Authors: : Banik J, Khan MSI, Rahman MM, Tareq MA and Hasanuzzaman M; Pages: 71-75 Joyanta Banik1, Md. Shafiqul Islam Khan2, Md. Mostafizur Rahman3 1Territory Executive, Suguna Food and Feeds, Bangladesh (Pvt) Limited. Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
Early food composition studies were carried out to identify and determine the chemical nature of the principles in foods that affect human health. The study was carried out to determine the composition of various types of food in Barisal city areas from 12 March 2014 to 12 July 2014 to observe whether the composition met the Bangladesh standard or not. In this study, a total of 36 samples, where the number of biscuit, chilli powder, black tea, cake and white bread were 8, 7, 5, 11 and 5, were collected and analyzed with proper methods in BSTI laboratory, Barisal. It was revealed that, average of moisture, acid insoluble ash, edible fat and acidity of extracted fat of biscuits were 2.698, 0.03, 18.078 and 0.466 and the average of moisture, acid insoluble ash and acidity of extracted fat o cake were 14.767, 0.019 and 0.462 respectively. In case of chilli powder, the averages of moisture, total ash, acid insoluble ash, crude fibre and nonvolatile were 4.621, 5.3,0.607, 17 and 17 respectively and, the averages of total ash,PH , acid insoluble ash and crude fibre of white bread were 65.652, 5.24, 0.03 and 0.16 17 respectively whereas, the average water extract, water soluble ash of total ash, alkaline of water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash and crude fibre were 34.566, 5.4, 66.02, 0.85, 0.228, and 14.232 respectively. It was observed that, all results were within the range of BD standard and dry hard biscuit contain less moisture that increases the keeping quality and these samples of the study are the low sources of ash but chilli powder were good sources of crude fiber and total ash. In case of white bread, the moisture contents were high that may make favorable condition to grow the different types of organism which reduce the self-life of the product. The samples of black tea contain higher water extract indicates its better quality. Keywords: Composition, Market foods, Standard, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Banik J, Khan MSI, Rahman MM, Tareq MA and Hasanuzzaman M (2017). Assessment of composition of different types of food in Barisal city area of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 71-75. |
Alteration of gross anatomy of testicles in black Bengal goat reared at the arsenic polluted area in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh |
Authors: : Alam J, Meher MM, Jannat N, Das SK and Awal MA; Pages: 76-80 Jahagir Alam1 1Department of Anatomy and Histology, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, Bangladesh
Arsenic is a major water pollutant that may cause serious health hazards in human and animals. Drinking water is the principal source of arsenic exposure to living individuals. This study was aimed to observe the effects of arsenic on the gross anatomy of testicles in the Black Bengal goat reared at the arsenic prone area in Mymensingh district. Adult male goats were collected from the arsenic prone area of the Ishwarganj Upzilla and arsenic free area of the Nirlakha Char area of Guripur Upzilla of Mymensingh district. Testes were collected for the observation of the effects of arsenic on the gross anatomy of the collected testes of Black Bengal goats. The mean length, width, diameter and weight of the right testes of control group of goats were 5.940 ± 0.044 cm, 3.810 ± 0.041 cm, 9.920 ± 0.015 cm and 36.610 ± 0.068 gm. respectively. The mean length, width, diameter and weight of the right testes of arsenic affected group of goats were 5.880 ± 0.039 cm, 3.770 ± 0.057 cm, 9.920 ± 0.057 cm and 36.540 ± 0.676 gm. respectively. Variations were statistically insignificant (P<0.05). These findings indicate that chronic arsenic exposure does not alter the gross anatomy of testes of Black Bengal goat reared at the arsenic polluted area of the Mymesingh district. Keywords: Gross Anatomy, Testicles, Arsenic, Black Bengal Goat.
How to cite this article: Alam J, Meher MM, Jannat N, Das SK and Awal MA (2017). Alteration of gross anatomy of testicles in black Bengal goat reared at the arsenic polluted area in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 76-80. |
Hibiscus rosasinensis depart no baleful effects on histomorphology of Kidney of Swiss Albino mice |
Authors: : Bhakta S and Das SK; Pages: 81-84 Sonali Bhakta, Shonkor Kumar Das Bioresearch Laboratory, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh2202, Bangladesh
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the medicinal properties of Hibiscus rosasinensis on mice. For the research White Swiss albino mice were orally administered Hibiscus rosasinensis flower (500 mg/kg body weight) and effect of the treatment on the kidney was observed. Crude extract of the Hibiscus rosasinensis possess the potentiality to act against many disorders or diseases which can easily be treated by this plant. But whether the flower of the plant is detrimental for the kidney or not is yet to be established by the scientists. Through this research, it is suggested that there was no remarkable changes in the kidney. The parenchyma in the treated group was same as the control group without having any inflammation or necrotic degeneration or edema. There was no tubular necrosis in the kidney. But the only thing that was observed here is deposition of the adipose tissue or fat deposition in a portion of the kidney glomeruli of the treated group. Keywords: Hibiscus rosasinensis, Histoarchitecture of kidney, swiss albino mice
How to cite this article: Bhakta S and Das SK (2017). Hibiscus rosasinensis depart no baleful effects on histomorphology of Kidney of Swiss Albino mice. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 81-84. |
Effect of kalogira (Nigella sativa) and BHA (beta hydroxyl anisole) on quality control and shelf- life of beef meatballs |
Authors: Rahman M, Kabir MH, Hossain MA, Milon M, Hossain MM and Hashem MA ; Pages: 85-94 M. Rahman1, M.H. Kabir2, M. A. Hossain1, M. Milon1, M. M. Hossain1, M. A. Hashem1 1Department of Animal Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
The experiment was conducted to find out the effect of different levels of kalogira extract and synthetic antioxidant on fresh and preserved beef meatballs as source of value added meat products. Five treatment groups as control group (T1), BHA (T2– 0.1%), 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3% kalogira extract treated as (T3), (T4), and (T5). respectively. Day’s intervals of experiment were on 0, 15th, 30th, and 60th. DM content increased significantly (p<0.05) with advancement of different days intervals. CP, EE and Ash content at different treatment levels differ significantly (p<0.05). FFA values, TBARs, PV were decreased significantly (p<0.05) at different treatment levels. Color, flavor, tenderness, juiciness, overall acceptability, raw pH, cooked pH were increased at different treatment levels significantly (p<0.05). Cooking loss (%) with advancement of different days intervals were differ significantly (p<0.05). In microbiological assessment, TCC (log CFU/g) and TYMC (log CFU/g) was decreased significantly (p<0.05) at different treatment comparison to control, Addition of BHA and Kalogira extract significantly reduced aerobic plate count and storage time had negative effect on total bacterial counts and coli form group for all samples. But TVC (log CFU/g) increased significantly with increasing storage period. Hence, it may be concluded that kalogira extract had potential source of antioxidants and antimicrobial activities as similar characteristics of synthetic antioxidant BHA. Keywords: Kalogira, BHA, Beef, Quality control, Shelf- life, Meatball.
How to cite this article: Rahman M, Kabir MH, Hossain MA, Milon M, Hossain MM and Hashem MA (2017). Effect of kalogira (Nigella sativa) and BHA (beta hydroxyl anisole) on quality control and shelf- life of beef meatballs. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 85-94. |
Determination of optimized dose with synthetic hormone for induced spawning of vietnamese koi (Anabus testudineus) |
Authors: Raze MS, Bosu A, Roy BC and Moniruzzaman M; Pages: 95-102 Md. Shamim Raze1, Aovijite Bosu2 1Department of Fisheries, Government Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
An experiment on induced breeding of Anabus testudineus was carried out to determine the optimum dose of Flash hormone at the Reliance Aqua Farm hatchery, Boilor, Mymensingh. The present study consisted of three treatments (T1, T2 and T3) with nine replications of each. Forty five pairs of male and female were selected from the brood rearing ponds and the average body weight of the female and male were 250±20 g and 200±15 g respectively. To observe the effective dose for induced breeding, the females were injected at the rate of 0.30 (T1), 0.25 (T2) and 0.20 (T3) ml Flash/kg body weight and correspondingly the males were administered a dose of 0.13 ml Flash/kg body weight in all treatments. The fertilization rate and hatching rate were determined. Then the hatchlings were reared in aquarium up to 7 days and survival rate was determined. The water temperature was recorded between 26 to 300C during experimentation. Among the three treatments T3 showed the best result in terms of fertilization rate (79.89%), hatching rate (66.22%) and survival rate (56.20%). The present findings can be used in induced breeding of A. testudineus for the development of hatchery propagation. Keywords: Anabus testudineus, Induced breeding, Ovulation, Fertilization.
How to cite this article: Raze MS, Bosu A, Roy BC and Moniruzzaman M (2017). Determination of optimized dose with synthetic hormone for induced spawning of vietnamese koi (Anabus testudineus). International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 95-102. |
Proximate composition analysis of five important dried sea fish and evaluate their nutritive value |
Authors: Siddiky MNI, Bosu A, Roy BC, Sarker SK and Moniruzzaman M; Pages: 103-110 Md. Nasebul Islam Siddiky1 1Department of Fisheries Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Present study was conducted on the proximate composition and quality aspects of sundried sea fish species Stromateus chinensis, Harpodon nehereus, Trichiurus haumela, Strongylura leiura and Engraulis tellara which were collected from the local market of Cox’s Bazar. Organoleptically, the fish available in local market of Cox’s Bazar and sundried sea fish species were excellent in quality. Crude Protein, lipid, moisture and ash content (%) of sundried Stromateus chinensis was 60.61±0.25, 7.35±0.09, 22.62±0.81 and 8.56±0.32, respectively. Crude Protein, lipid, moisture and ash content (%) of sundried Harpodon nehereus was 61.53±1.01, 7.44±0.48, 17.93±1.04 and 12.78±0.75, respectively. Crude Protein, lipid, moisture and ash content (%) of sundried Trichiurus haumela was 58.36±0.46, 11.24±0.36, 18.66±0.42 and 11.22±0.34, respectively. Crude Protein, lipid, moisture and ash content (%) of sundried Strongylura leiura was 50.16±0.44, 9.17±0.55, 22.09±0.90 and 17.57±0.38, respectively. Crude Protein, lipid, moisture and ash content (%) of sundried Engraulis tellara was 52.82±0.18, 10.40±0.73, 22.13±0.60 and 15.17±0.66, respectively. TVB-N contents (%) of sundried Stromateus chinensis, Harpodon nehereus, Trichiurus haumela, Strongylura leiura and Engraulis tellara was 16.81±0.82, 9.92±0.80, 20.26±0.70, 13.89±0.47 and 19.62±0.30, respectively. Organoleptically the experimental traditional dried sea fishes were excellent and acceptable. The protein content of five dried fish was very high and moisture was minimum level. The lipid and ash content of these products were within the limit. TVB-N of five dried sea fishes were within acceptable level. Keywords: Anabus testudineus, Induced breeding, Ovulation, Fertilization.
How to cite this article: Siddiky MNI, Bosu A, Roy BC, Sarker SK and Moniruzzaman M (2017). Determination of optimized dose with synthetic hormone for induced spawning of vietnamese koi (Anabus testudineus). International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 103-110. |