Volume 5, Issue 1 (February 2018)
Research Articles
Cattle production scenario in few rural areas at Pabna district of Bangladesh | |||||
Authors: Talukder MAI, Shahjahan M, Salahuddin M, Munira S, Miah MAH, Habib MR, Billah MM, Rahman SM, Haque MN, Yeasmin MN, Islam MS, Ali MY and Kabir MH; Pages: 01-06 Md. Azharul Islam Talukder1, Md. Shahjahan2 1Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka-1341, Bangladesh
The study was carried out to reveal the cattle production scenario in few selected rural areas at Pabna district in Bangladesh. Data focused on cattle husbandry were collected from three villages of Bera Upazila in Pabna district with a pretested survey questionnaire. Collected data were compiled and analyzed following one-way ANOVA with descriptive statistics. Results showed that most of the cattle housing was kacha type (58%) with such flooring (98%). Farmers stated that they clean the cattle houses regularly (98%) but the use of disinfectant was not available there. Almost half of the (47%) of the farmers ensured regular bathing of their cattle. However, only 30% farmers used net to protect mosquitoes. Own breeding bull (51%) was used for natural breeding (75%) with no fee (84%) in the survey community. The farmers practiced deworming (82%) for their cattle but it was irregular (77%) and noted above one-year interval (47%). Only 23% farmers followed preventive vaccination and 51% households faced disease infestation in their cattle herd. Most frequent diseases or health issues identified in the study area were diarrhea (19%), blot (17%) and FMD (15%). About 41% households claimed no farming problems in those areas but 27% and 11% farmers noticed feed scarcity and lack of treatment facilities in the community, respectively. Lactation period, peak day milk and number of service for last pregnancy in the local Pabna cattle population were identified 235.60 days, 4.78 liters and 1.16, respectively. Capacity building training of farmers with proper funding on research could change the cattle genetic resources in those rural areas which consequently influence the overall livelihood as well. Keywords: Cattle production, Natural mating, Vaccination, Breed development.
How to cite this article: Talukder MAI, Shahjahan M, Salahuddin M, Munira S, Miah MAH, Habib MR, Billah MM, Rahman SM, Haque MN, Yeasmin MN, Islam MS, Ali MY and Kabir MH (2018). Cattle production scenario in few rural areas at Pabna district of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 01-06. |
Effects of land use on soil properties |
Authors: Sarker KR, Mian MJA, Barman SC and Kader MA; Pages: 07-14 KR Sarker1, MJA Mian1, SC Barman2, MA Kader1 1Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
An experiment was conducted with soils from five land use type namely: non cultivated soil, non treated (control), NPKSZn and NPKFYM treated rice growing soil and horticultural farm soil to observe the effect of land use on soil properties. Soil samples were collected from four depths vice: 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-60 cm of each land use. Soil pH, texture, organic matter, total nitrogen, available P, K and soil colour were determined. Particle-size distribution showed that most of the soils were medium textured with silt loam textural classes. Soil pH ranged between 6.22 – 6.64. pH of the surface soil was lower and increased with the increased of soil depth. Organic matter of all soils ranged from 0.21-1.70% where most of the soils were low to medium in level. There was a clear stratification of soil organic matter and it decreases with increased of depth. The highest soil organic matter was determine in NPKSZn fertilized cultivated soil followed by non cultivated soil NPKFYM applied soil, control plot of paddy soil and the lowest in horticultural farm soil. Total nitrogen followed the similar trend. Total nitrogen was varied from 0.020-0.109% where most of the soils were very low to medium in level. The available Phosphorus (P) was varied from 0.45-24.48 mg kg-1, where most of the soils were very low to optimum in level. The exchangeable potassium (K) was varied from 28.20-167.20 mg kg-1 where most of the soils were low to optimum in level. Cultivated rice growing surface soil had a lower K content than the sub-surface soil. The highest K content was observed in non cultivated soil. Wetland cultivation changes the soil color from dark grey to very dark gray. But dry land cropping turned the colour to reddish brown. Keywords: Soil texture, Soil pH, Organic matter, Total nitrogen, Available phosphorus, Exchangeable potassium, Soil colour.
How to cite this article: Sarker KR, Mian MJA, Barman SC and Kader MA (2018). Effects of land use on soil properties. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 07-14. |
Assessment of water quality in media-based aquaponic culture in Bangladesh |
Authors: Akter B, Salam MA, Chakraborty SC, Mumu UH and Akhter F; Pages: 15-24 Bably Akter1 1Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Water is the major and foremost concern in aquaponics and its quality indicates whether the system is functioning properly or not. Hence, the present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of water used in the combined culture of Nile Tilapia (n=60, juveniles) and water spinach (n=4) in aquaponic system using two different media for 90 days. The experiment was carried out with the two treatments (T1= brick lets, and T2= mixture of brick lets and used tea leaves) with three replications each. Water quality parameters such as pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured bi-weekly using water testing kits, and found in a suitable range for tilapia culture, though temperature was little bit higher than the favorable range. Electric conductivity (EC), carbonate (CO3), hydrogen carbonate (HCO3), total nitrogen (Total-N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), sulphur (S), sodium (Na) were tested in the Humboldt Soil Testing Laboratory, Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, and found higher in influent water than the effluent water due to bacterial activity in the media and roots of plants which indicated the proper utilization of fish waste by the plants. Therefore, it could be concluded that whole system was working properly and there was a perfect symbiosis between fish, microorganisms and plants. Keywords: Water quality, Aquaponic system, Physicochemical quality.
How to cite this article: Akter B, Salam MA, Chakraborty SC, Mumu UH and Akhter F (2018). Assessment of water quality parameters in media-based aquaponic culture in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 15-24. |
Sero-diagnosis of toxoplasmosis by using lateral flow chromatographic assay |
Authors: Hossain MB, Ali MY, Rahman MH, Munsi MN and Talukder MH; Pages: 25-29 Md. Billal Hossain1 1Department of Parasitology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
The study was carried out to determine the anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody in human, goats, sheep and cat in the selected areas of Savar, Dhaka and Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) campus, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. A total of 116 blood samples of which 75 human, 15 goats, 15 sheep and 11 cats samples were collect and tested immediately by using ARIA Toxo IgG/IgM Combo Rapid Test (CTK Biotech. Inc., USA). Information like age, sex, pregnancy status, occupation, availability of cat was gathered from attendants during collection of blood. Obtained data were analyzed by Chi square test as well as p-value was calculated to show the association of risk factors with the disease. Sero-prevalence data revealed that T. gondii was 10.66% positive in human, 6.66% in goats and sheep, and 36.36% in cat. 17.39% human of 31-45 years age was seropositive with T. gondii followed by 21-30 years old human. There was significant association of seropositive cases with abortion (66.66%, P=0.0001) in human. Goat butchers were highly affected (18.18%) followed by garments’ worker (10.71%), housewife (10.52%) and service holder (8.33%). The results indicate that T. gondii is prevalent among the human and animal population which further indicate the zoonotic transmission of this parasite in the study areas. Keywords: Toxoplasmosis, Prevalence, Human and Animals, Chromatographic Assay.
How to cite this article: Hossain MB, Ali MY, Rahman MH, Munsi MN and Talukder MH (2018). Sero-diagnosis of toxoplasmosis by using lateral flow chromatographic assay. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 25-29. |
Relationship between adequate antenatal care and newborn birth weight among Bangladeshi women |
Authors: Akter MK and Begum J; Pages: 30-34 Mosammet Khaleda Akter1 1Nursing Instructor Nursing Institute Mitford, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Maternal and infant morbidity and mortality are major issues in developing countries including Bangladesh. Evidences have shown that adequate prenatal care is required in order to promote healthy behavioral patterns and also to reduce the incidence of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. This descriptive correlational study aimed to examine the relationship between adequate prenatal care and newborn birth weight among Bangladeshi women. It was hypothesized that mothers’ who received adequate antenatal care would have significant association with normal birth weight. The data were collected using interviewer-administered questionnaires including: personal data form and the adequacy of antenatal care utilization questionnaires. The technique of purposive sampling method was applied to recruit 110 mothers who gave birth at tertiary level hospital in Bangladesh. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools. The Chi-square result indicated that there was significant association (Chi-square=45.02; p<0.000) between women with adequate antenatal care and newborn birth weight. In conclusion, based on the finding low birth weight can be effectively prevented by adequate prenatal care in its current situation in Bangladesh. Enhance adequacy of prenatal care will require among women in order to reduce or prevent low birth weight and contextually incorporated strategy to promote optimal level of women’s reproductive health not only during pregnancy, but it should be given emphasis over the life course. Thus, hospital administrators could use the findings of this research study to expand policy and strategy to ensure adequate antenatal care among Bangladeshi women in order to enhance newborn birth weight. Keywords: Adequate Antenatal care, Mother, Low birth weight, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Akter MK and Begum J (2018). Relationship between adequate antenatal care and newborn birth weight among Bangladeshi women. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 30-34. |
Economic Investigation of BRRI dhan29 and hybrid rice production in Bangladesh: The case of Haor area |
Authors: Rahaman MS, Sarkar MAR, Deb L, Kabir MJ, Sarker MR and Siddique MAB; Pages: 35-43 MS Rahaman1, MAR Sarkar1 1Agricultural Economics Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh
The Haor basin is still under-developed and vulnerable area although one of the major agriculture based economic production zone of Bangladesh. A study was conducted in Haor areas namely, Sunamganj and Habiganj district to evaluate the productivity, profitability, resource use efficiency and farmers’ perception of growing of BRRI dhan29 and hybrid rice production. The study revealed that per hectare variable cost of hybrid was about 12% higher than BRRI dhan29 where yield of BRRI dhan29 was about 12% lower than hybrid rice. Despite producing low yield, BRRI dhan29 gave about 8% and 73% higher gross return and gross margin, respectively due to negative net return from hybrid rice. Share of human labor cost was found higher compare to other factors of production for both BRRI dhan29 and hybrid rice production. Farmers’ share in total income was found higher for BRRI dhan29 (47.74%) than hybrid rice (32.19%). The coefficient of human labor, fertilizer, insecticides and irrigation cost were found positive and statistically significant. Resource use efficiency of BRRI dhan29 shown that, fertilizer, insecticide and irrigation ratio were greater than one (under utilization) where excessive use of human labor and seed rate. In case of hybrid rice, farmers have ample opportunities to use more fertilizer and irrigation where too much use of human labor, seed rate and insecticides. Study also found that, majority of the farmers’ preferred BRRI dhan29 than hybrid rice in their field as good grain quality and higher market demand. Based on the result, it is recommendation that short duration and high yielding premium quality varieties should be developed and introduced and accordingly proper measures should be taken for enhancing agricultural productivity and ensure adequate living standard in the Haor areas. Keywords: Haor, Productivity & Profitability, Resource use efficiency, Factor and income share.
How to cite this article: Rahaman MS, Sarkar MAR, Deb L, Kabir MJ, Sarker MR and Siddique MAB (2018). Economic Investigation of BRRI dhan29 and hybrid rice production in Bangladesh: The case of Haor area. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 35-43. |
Phenotypic and productive traits of kurbani bulls as livelihood changes of farmers during Eid-Ul-Azha in Mymensingh district |
Authors: Hossain MA, Islam MS and Hashem MA; Pages: 44-51 MA Hossain1 1Department of Animal Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
A survey was conducted to know the phenotypic and productive traits of bulls during Eid-ul-Azha at different markets of Mymensingh district. Two hundred cattle farmers and sellers were chosen for interview from three markets namely GTI of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Sutiakhali and Vagnabari of Mymensingh sadar. Data were collected through a pre-structured questionnaire during 2017. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data. Parameters studied were farmer’s status, training skill, capital source, purchasing ability, duration of rearing, feeds and feeding system, color, breeds, age, cost of cattle, rearing of cattle, total income, net income, problems and suggestion of cattle keepers and impact of livelihood improvement in this study. About 45% farmers had primary level education, 35% had under secondary school education and 20% had no education. Sixty percent farmers reared cattle having 2-3 years of age. Eighty and 20% farmers used bulls for fattening purpose having 1 and 2-3 cattle. Fattening period were 3-6 and 7-12 months of 60 and 30%, respectively. About 53 and 28% breeds were indigenous and Holstein crosses. Black, red and red black color was 33, 28 and 15%, respectively. Seventy three percent farmers had short training on livestock rearing and management. About 95% farmers reported acute shortages of green fodder and concentrate and 30% reported lack of credit as major problems of fattening. Average expenditure, income and net income were 36617, 67500, and 30883 BDT, respectively. The study suggests that for healthy and disease free indigenous breed of red and black color with appropriate age of fattening cattle practiced by rural farmers need to further assess the socio-economic status of poor farmers by creation demand to consumers and to investigate marketing system of fattening program. Keywords: Phenotype, Productive trait, Kurbani bull, Livelihood.
How to cite this article: Hossain MA, Islam MS and Hashem MA (2018). Phenotypic and productive traits of kurbani bulls as livelihood changes of farmers during Eid-Ul-Azha in Mymensingh district. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 44-51. |
Therapeutic effects of ethnomedicinal plants used against various diseases in Bangladesh |
Authors: Begum S, Begumu S and Mussa MT ; Pages: 52-58 Sultana Begum1 1Department of Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology, Jhenaidah Government Veterinary College, Jhenaidah, Bangladesh
Ethnomedicinal plants are traditionally used against different diseases in the different regions across Bangladesh. People of different communities in Bangladesh use medicinal plants and rely on ethnomedicine because of cost-effectiveness, acceptability, biomedical benefits and less or no side-effects. A comprehensive list of the important medicinal plants from different villages of Bangladesh was prepared by investigating the plants commonly used by Bangladeshi people. A total of 100 medicinal plant species were collected and recorded for their different ailment. All these folk medicinal plants were mostly used for treatment and prevention of ring worm, diarrhea, abscess, abortion, cold, pox, constipation, dysentery, diabetes, tumor, cancer, heart disease, blood pressure, etc. In most cases, leaves of the medicinal plants were showed leading parts followed by whole plants, rhizome, fruits, seed, roots, bark, stem and flower. For each species scientific name, local name, family, diseases to be treated, part(s) and therapeutic purpose are provided. The study will help to further investigate the effect of these medicinal plants by identifying the active compound of the plants and the mode of action in order to develop drugs against the diseases. Keywords: Ethnomedicine, Human and Animal, Disease, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Begum S, Begumu S and Mussa MT (2018). Therapeutic effects of ethnomedicinal plants used against various diseases in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 52-58. |
Effect of zinc and boron on the yield and yield components of French bean |
Authors: Islam MF, Nahar S, Rahman J, Alam MS and Molla MM; Pages: 59-63 Md. Faridul Islam1, Sadikun Nahar2, Jubaidur Rahman3 1Scientific Officer, On-Farm Research Division Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Sherpur, Bangladesh
An experiment was conducted at the research field at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Akbarpur, Moulvibazar during Rabi season of 2016 to observe the effect of zinc (Zn) and boron (B) on the yield and yield components of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). There were four levels of zinc (0, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 kg/ha) and boron (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 kg/ha). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Following zinc application, the highest pod yield (10.85 ton/ha) was obtained from (2.0 kg Zn/ha) which was statistically similar with zinc level of 1.0 kg/ha and the lowest one (8.539 ton/ha) in control. For Boron application, the highest pod yield (10.31 ton/ha) was obtained from (0.5 kg Zn/ha) and the lowest (9.783 ton/ha) in control. Results showed that the highest pod yield (11.90 ton/ha) was found in T10=Zn2.0B0.5 treatment and the lowest (7.720 ton/ha) in T5=Zn1.0B0.The combined application of zinc and boron statistically significant on the yield traits of French bean than the single application of zinc and boron. As a result, the simultaneously application of zinc and boron were performed better than single application. Therefore, the combination of 2.0 kg zinc per hectare and 0.5 kg boron per hectare might be considered as a suitable dose for French bean cultivation in Akbarpur, Moulvibazar. Keywords: French bean, Zinc, Boron, Yield.
How to cite this article: Islam MF, Nahar S, Rahman J, Alam MS and Molla MM (2018). Effect of zinc and boron on the yield and yield components of French bean. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 59-63. |
Chemotherapeutic management of canine transmissible venereal tumor in bitch at Chittagong, Bangladesh |
Authors: Bostami MB, Dey T, Poddar S and Sutradhar BC; Pages: 64-68 Mohammad Bayazid Bostami1, Tuli Dey1 1Department of Medicine and Surgery, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong-4225, Bangladesh
The present case study was conducted to apply chemotherapeutic method of treatment with its action on Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT) in bitch (local breed) at Chittagong, Bangladesh. A 3 years-old bitch of local breed with history of matting with stray dog before one month was brought to the SAQ Teaching Veterinary Hospital, CVASU. A cauliflower like growth on the vagina was found reddish, firm to friable multi-nodular mass and oozing fresh blood from the tumor. The blood report showed the change on different blood parameter whether increased total protein (TP) and leukocyte level were important to diagnose Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT). Chemotherapy was done by vincristine sulphate at a dose of 0.025 mg/kg/week intravenously totally for 5 dosages along with Prednisolone. The size of the tumor was amazingly reduced just from 5th day of treatment noticed by the owner, which was completely recovered after finishing the total dosage with normal value of total protein (TP) and leukocytes (TLC) on blood picture. Chemotherapeutic method of treatment with vincristine sulphate was very easy and much effective for CTVT in bitch. Keywords: Chemotherapy, CTVT, Local Bitch, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Bostami MB, Dey T, Poddar S and Sutradhar BC (2018). Chemotherapeutic management of canine transmissible venereal tumor in bitch at Chittagong, Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 64-68. |
Effects of leaf and node retention on rootstock of epicotyl grafting in mango |
Authors: Karim MR, Rahim MA and Alam MS; Pages: 69-77 Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of leaf and node retention on the rootstock on success and growth of epicotyl grafting in ten varieties of mango. The experiment was conducted at the Germplasm Centre (GPC) of Fruit tree improvement project (FTIP), Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, during the period from September, 2003 to May, 2004. The experiment consisted of (i) grafting at three different positions of rootstock viz., above 2nd node, above 1st node and without node and (ii) ten varieties viz., Amrapali, Mallika, Sindhu, Hybrid-10, Mixed special, Gopalbhog, Langra, Fazli, Ashwina and Neelumbori.The days required for first flush, percentage of success, increase in diameter and length of rootstock and scion, stionic height, number of new leaves per graft and survivability were significantly influenced by variety and retention of stock leaf and node. The effect of varieties and retention of stock leaf and node was found statistically significant. The minimum time required for first flush (15.69 days), highest percentage of success (93.58%) and survival (83.56%) were achieved in Sindhu, at grafting above the 2nd node. Maximum scion length and stionic height were achieved in Langra, at grafting above 2nd node (30.65 cm and 70.38 cm respectively). The highest numbers of leaves per graft and canopy volumes were recorded at 240 DAG in Mallika and Amrapali (27.89 leaves and 55468.33 cm3, respectively) while grafting above the 2nd node. So, grafting above the 2nd node is suitable for the highest success, survivability and stionic growth for all varieties of mango. Keywords: Leaf and node, Rootstock, Epicotyl grafting, Mango.
How to cite this article: Karim MR, Rahim MA and Alam MS (2018). Effects of leaf and node retention on rootstock of epicotyl grafting in mango. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 69-77. |
In-vitro antioxidant properties of Ocimum tenuiflorum, Curcuma longa and Camellia sinensis |
Authors: Miah T, Sultana J, Uddin MF, Jalal S, Singha S, Dey T and Poddar S; Pages: 78-83 Tuhin Miah1, Jabin Sultana1 1Department of Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh
In this study, the fractionated ethanolic extracts of dried leaves of Ocimum tenuiflorum (Tulsi), Camellia sinensis (Tea) and dried stem of Curcuma longa (Halud) were evaluated for the antioxidant activity or free radical scavenging activity. This was achieved by screening the leaves and its extracts for estimating free radical scavenging properties using ascorbic acid as standard antioxidant. Total phenolic content was estimated in leaves extracts showing more antiradical activity in tea leaves (72.22%) is higher in average than in Tulsi (44.10%) and Halud (62.15%) where 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity was assayed. Quantification of ascorbic acid showed 95.83% – 100% antiradical activities which were assumed as a standard for antioxidant properties in the present study. Upon further fractionation, the highest average levels of DPPH radical scavenging activities was found in the Tea leaves and the lowest level was found in the Tulsi leaves. All three plants Tulsi, Halud and Tea leaves would exert several beneficial effects by virtue of their antioxidant activity and could be hardnosed as drug formulation. Keywords: Antioxidant, Medicinal plant, Ethanol, Free radical.
How to cite this article: Miah T, Sultana J, Uddin MF, Jalal S, Singha S, Dey T and Poddar S (2018). In-vitro antioxidant properties of Ocimum tenuiflorum, Curcuma longa and Camellia sinensis. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 78-83. |
ICT and E-Governance in Bangladesh: an Overview |
Authors: Sadik Hasan Shuvo; Pages: 84-89 Department of Local Government and Urban Development, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Bangladesh is on the way of being a smart country. Since last decade the country has been moving faster toward the development. E-governance is enhancing to make the path smoother. People are now getting services staying at their own room. It is reducing time, cost and harassment. Government officials are also being smarter using ICT. Paper files, number of visitors and corruption are being reduced from government offices. On the other hand efficiency and effectiveness, trust, accountability, transparency, etc. are being increased. Though the country is not excellent at e-governance it is progressing. As time passes, government is undertaking different initiatives for flourishing the sector. Various departments, parks, divisions, projects, etc. are being implemented by the government to reap maximum benefit from this sector. ICT has opened a new and prosperous avenue for better employment, income and environment. The impact of ICT on livelihood of Bangladeshi people is smart, prestigious, cost saving and income enhancing. Bangladesh should keep conformity with the pace of ICT in the world to be more smart and benefited. Keywords: E-governance, ICT, Development, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Shuvo HS (2018). ICT and E-Governance in Bangladesh: an Overview. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 84-89. |
ICT and E-Governance in Bangladesh: Impact on the Life of University Students |
Authors: Sadik Hasan Shuvo; Pages: 90-95 Department of Local Government and Urban Development, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
The study dealt with the impact of e-governance and ICT on the life of university students not only on their academic arena but also on their social life. Students especially of the universities are the largest user of ICT and e-governance in Bangladesh. They are highly dependent on IT. A large portion of their time is being spent on internet or using ICT. Some of them use the technology to get something better and some just waste their time. As the most important community of the country is using technology it is important to know how technology is making impact on them. As Bangladesh is getting developed the technology is also being developed. It is becoming the medium of achieving knowledge, recreation and sometimes corruption also. The study found many beneficial impacts of ICT and e-governance among the university students. But there are some negative impacts also. So, for beneficial use of technology all of these improper contents and uses should be controlled effectively. Keywords: ICT, E-governance, University Student, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Shuvo HS (2018). ICT and e-governance in Bangladesh: Impact on the life of university students. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(1): 90-95. |