Volume 6, Issue 4 (November 2019)
Full Length Research Articles
Lived experience of patient with substance abuse in Bangladesh | |||||
Authors: Begum MZ, Akter K and Mallick DR; Pages: 01-07 Mst. Zamiti Begum1, Khaleda Akter2 1Senior Staff Nurse, Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Drug abuse is becoming a social problem in Bangladesh. Millions of drug addicts, all over the world, are leading miserable lives, between life and death. Many participants experienced substance use as having detrimental effects on both their physical and mental health. To explore the lived experiences of patient with substance abuse in Bangladesh a descriptive qualitative study was carried out among 15 participants in one specialized purposively sampled hospitals in Dhaka city using individual interview between December 2018 and January 2019. Content analysis was used for analysis. Six themes emerged from data analysis. These are peer pressure, curiosity, family disharmony, social isolation, experienced stigmatized, reduce family bonding. A number of factors have been identified as both potential and definitive substance abuse causal factors in many contexts. Participants explain several impacts in their personal and social life are discussed. Substance abuse increases the risk of burden in the individual, family and society, as a whole. An alarming proportion of respondents started to use substance within at the age of 15 years. Family support, right parenting, controlling easy availability of drugs and restoration of social, moral and religious values could be helpful in combating drug addiction. Keywords: Substance Abuse, Bangladesh, Qualitative.
How to cite this article: Begum MZ, Akter K and Mallick DR (2019). Lived experience of patient with substance abuse in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 6(4): 01-07. |
Assessment of Pb, Cr, Ni contamination in water from different selected sites of the Karnaphuli river, Chattogram, Bangladesh |
Authors: Hossain MS, Islam MA, Zim AFMIU and Quader MFB; Pages: 08-14 Md. Shakhawat Hossain1 1Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh
Heavy metal pollution of water arising from anthropogenic sources continues to become a great challenge to human and aquatic population. The Karnaphuli is the principal and the largest river in Chattogram, Bangladesh. The biggest contributors of heavy metals in the Karnaphuli water arising from industrials wastages, a growing population without proper sewerage facilities, increase in the number of aging automobiles, fertilizers and pesticides from the agricultural farms in the highlands of Chattogram. These potential sources of heavy metal have continued to increase in the environment and posing detrimental impacts on human and aquatic life system, hence an effective monitoring of the river water is very important. The present study involves the determination of metals included Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr) and Nickel (Ni) in the Karnaphuli River. Ten sampling stations were selected for collecting water from different locations of the Karnaphuli at dry seasonal period. The water samples were digested by acid digestion for the quantification of heavy metals using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). The data was analyzed using ANOVA with the level of significance (≤ 0.05). From the findings, means of lead were found below detection limit (BDL) in several stations viz. Patenga sea beach, Shipping Corporation, Chaktai New Bridge, Lamburhat and Rangunai sadar. The highest mean of Pb was 0.131±0.0014 in Sadarghat jetty, followed by 0.072±0.0014 mg/L in Kalurghat industrial area (west side) which exceeds the permissible limits of WHO standards. The mean levels of Cr were found BDL in the Patenga sea beach, Lamburhat and Rangunai sadar. Within the detection level, the highest concentration of Cr 0.115±0.00212 and 0.092±0.0014 mg/L were found in Sadarghat jetty and Kalurghat industrial area respectively. Nickel (Ni) was found below the permissible limit of WHO standard of drinking water (0.07 mg/L) in all locations throughout the study period. The level of these heavy metals showed variation from one place to another and it was considerably higher in industrial sites than that of non-industrial sites in most of the sampling locations. Keywords: Heavy metal, ICP-OES, Pollution, Lead, Chromium, Nickel, Karnaphuli River.
How to cite this article: Hossain MS, Islam MA, Zim AFMIU and Quader MFB (2019). Assessment of Pb, Cr, Ni contamination in water from different selected sites of the Karnaphuli river, Chattogram, Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 6(4): 08-14. |
Incidence of protozoan infestations in juvenile farmed fishes with relation to water quality parameters |
Authors: David Rintu Das; Pages: 15-23 Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Floodplain Sub station, Santaher, Bogura, Bangladesh
An investigation on protozoan parasitic infestations in juvenile farmed fishes was made in relation to water quality parameters and management practice. A total eight (8) different fish farms (four Government and four Private) of Bogura region were selected and investigated during June 2016 to May 2018. All together 2880 fish host samples of Catla catla (960), Labeo rohita (960) and Cirrhinus cirrhosus (960) were collected and examined, out of which 1350 fishes (Catla- 346, Rui –478 and Mrigal– 526) were infested by protozoan parasites. Most of the farms were managed carefully and have more or less similar type of practices. Monthly samplings were carried out with 5 fishes for each species from each farms. Mrigal (67.08%) was more susceptible than Rui (65%) and Catla (38.75%) to protozoan parasites. The risk of being infested by protozoa of juvenile carp in private farm is about 5.82 times more than that of government farms. Most of the variables regarding water qualities except pH, alkalinity and water depth exhibit significant (p<0.001)) negative association with the occurrence of the parasitic diseases. The risk of developing protozoa in juvenile carps was significantly (p<0.05 or p<0.001) reduced with increasing temperature, dissolved oxygen, hardness and transparency of water. Keywords:Infestations, Juvenile, Protozoan parasites.
How to cite this article: DR Das (2019). Incidence of protozoan infestations in juvenile farmed fishes with their relation to water quality parameters. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 6(4): 15-23. |
Health and economic impact of Covid-19 in Bangladesh |
Authors: M Shahiduzzaman: 24-34 Department of Parasitology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Keywords: Health, Economic impact, Covid-19, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Shahiduzzaman M (2019). Health and economic impact of Covid-19 in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 6(4): 24-34. |
Investigation of fitness traits of Red Chittagong Cattle of Bangladesh |
Authors: Karim MN, A Kashem, Bhuiyan FH and Bhuiyan MSA ; Pages: 35-45 Md. Nafiul Karim Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
The study was carried out to investigate the fitness traits of Red Chittagong Cattle (RCC), indigenous cattle of Bangladesh. For that purpose accumulated data on a total of 362 animals from two different herds (Bangladesh Agricultural University -BAU) Nucleus Herd and Char Jailkhana Community Herd in Mymensingh district). The varying production systems that affected the performance of the individuals were looked at. The main factor considered for analysis of the traits was herd. Data were analyzed by General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SPSS 11.5 version program to find out the least squares means and least significant difference for thefactor in every trait. The mean survival ability was 88.92. Survival ability was divided into different stages like birth to 3 months, birth to 6 months, birth to weaning, birth to maturity. Survival ability of RCC at BAU nucleus herd were 96.98±0.010, 98.96±0.007, 91±0.011and96.8±0.001 respectively. Whereas survival ability of RCC at Community herd were99.4±0.010, 96.91±0.009, 84.88±0.012 and 97.44±0.013 respectively.There were no differences between the herds. The least squares means of age at puberty (AP) and age at first calving (AFC) were 37.0±2.16 and 49.67±2.1 months, respectively. There were differences in case of age at puberty between herds. The least squares means of reproductive traits were 469.57±20.91 days, 55.30±7.55%, 287.11±4.55 days, 60.35±5.96%, 1.65±0.13 and 195.29±19.47 days respectively for calving interval (CI), first service conception rate (FSCR), gestation length (GL), non-return rate to first service (NRRFS), number of services per conception (NSC), postpartum estrous period (PPEP).There were significant differences in calving interval, gestation length and post-partum estrous period between the herds. According to the previous and present study CI, FSCR, GL, NRRFS, NSC, and PPEP traits are always changed in different production system. Keywords: Fitness, Red Chittagong Cattle, Trait, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Karim MN, A Kashem, Bhuiyan FH and Bhuiyan MSA (2019). Investigation of fitness traits of Red Chittagong Cattle of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 6(4): 35-45. |
Adenocarcinoma among sheep and goats in Kuwait |
Authors: Ali K, Farghali HAMA and Shamaa AAE ; Pages: 46-52 Khalifah Ali1 1Public authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources – Kuwait City, Kuwait
Record of clinical, endoscopic and histopathological features of enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma (ENA) among sheep and goats in Kuwait was mentioned in addition to evaluation of surgical interventions. One sheep and three goats were affected with enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma. Clinically, all cases were suffered from persistent seromucous nasal discharge, head shaking, muzzle licking, dyspnea, exophthalmia and frontal protrusion. Two goats were presented with unilateral fleshy mass protruded from the nostril and the 3rd goat was diagnosed after slaughtering and postmortem examination. The affected sheep was subjected to nasal upper respiratory tract endoscopic examination and endoscopic resection of the tumor mass. The two goats were treated surgically via total excision. The nasal tumors were subjected to histopathological examined. Endoscopic examination showed soft touch, pinkish-white tumor masses in the nasal cavities with distortion of the turbinate and the medium septum. According to clinical and pathological findings, the tumor has been defined as a low grade papillary nasal adenocarcinoma. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of ENA in Kuwait. However, such association requires confirmation by direct and/or indirect viral investigation. Endoscopic resection of ENA showed successful result as less invasive method comparing with traditional surgical procedures. Keywords: Adenocarcinoma, Sheep, goats, Endoscopy, Kuwait.
How to cite this article: Ali K, Farghali HAMA and Shamaa AAE (2019). Adenocarcinoma among sheep and goats in Kuwait. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 6(4): 46-52. |