Volume 7, Issue 3 (August 2020)
Research and Clinical Articles
Energy insecurity and alternative sources in Ethiopia: New energy policy is the need of the day | |||||
Authors: Ahmed Mustofa Ali; Pages: 01-15 Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, College of Social Sciences, Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia
A study was conducted in southern Ethiopia with the objective of investigating the domestic energy consumption problems and related coping mechanisms among households residing both in and around Arba-Minch town. The research design is mainly based on the quantitative methods and complemented with the qualitative data. The field data were collected using questionnaires, focus group discussions and interviews with relevant individuals. For this purpose, 658 sample households were selected from in and around the town based on random sampling technique. The analysis indicates that wood fuels (wood and charcoal) are by far the most used cooking fuels for the majority of urban and peri-urban residents despite the fact that they have access to grid electricity. Although electricity has many benefits, it does not help address the major energy problem that most households in area face in terms of their daily cooking requirements. Over the years, the outskirts of the town have experienced intense deforestation and environmental degradation due to the activities of wood fuel poachers. Despite the fact that biomass fuels would remain important fuels for majority of the households, no efforts were made to increase its supply. The local authority does little to control access to the hinterland forests of the town from where wood fuel is extracted and supplied. The study reveals that the urban households in the study area are still inadequately served by energy supplies and face great energy crisis since both traditional and modern fuels became increasingly scarce and expensive. Most of the energy appliances employed in the sample area are traditional ones that function at low efficiency level. This indicates that majority of the households often lack the ability to optimize their consumption through improved technologies. Such inefficiency mode of utilization of traditional fuels leads to the massive waste of wood, and contributes to unnecessary high level of biomass resource extraction and consumption. Increasing end-use efficiency should be given greater emphasis as an important prerequisite by employing proper end-use technologies to change households’ cooking practices so that household’s energy-related problems are tackled and energy can lead to more equitable sustainable livelihood. Keywords: Alternative energy source, Biomass and conventional fuels, Energy insecurity, Energy policy, Urban and peri-urban.
How to cite this article: Ali AM (2020). Energy insecurity and alternative sources in Ethiopia: New energy policy is the need of the day. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 01-15. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4015980. |
COVID-19 and suicide incidences in Bangladesh |
Authors: Aziz MN, Maliha SR, Aziz S, Khatun S, Talukder J and Rubayet F; Pages: 16-19 Mustafa Nizamul Aziz1, Syeeda Raisa Maliha2, Sumaiya Aziz3 1East West University, Dhaka,2East West University, Dhaka, 3Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi, 4Alimonessa Technical College, Jessore, 5DAE, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, 6Anwer Khan Modern Medical College, Dhaka
COVID-19 has created an impact on everything in the world in a very small amount of time. Starting from people’s physical health, their jobs, economic status to their mental health like depressing thoughts, overeating, an immense amount of stress and anxiety. As a result, Coronavirus not only taking lives only through its physical form, it is ruining their livelihood, their financial condition. It is also destroying people’s mental peace, getting inside their heads, and ultimately making them take their own lives. The study was conducted to cumulate the suicide cases during the study period of March to June 2020. The data were collected from print and electronic media. A total of 10 cases have been mentioned in this paper where the majority have been caused by the financial crisis. Most of them were 24 to 40 years of age. Although suicide in Bangladesh due to economic issues is not new, COVID-19 might increase the suicide cases due to dramatic changes in lifestyle. Considering the present findings, it is essential to introduce a time-oriented policy, and implement care monitoring plans in the country, which may help in managing the pandemic as well as nurturing the public mental health to combat COVID-19 related financial and psychological challenges. Keywords: COVID-19, Suicide, Fear, Mental health, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Aziz MN, Maliha SR, Aziz S, Khatun S, Talukder J and Rubayet F (2020). COVID-19 and suicide incidences in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 16-19. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4007493 |
Urban women’s access to water and hygiene kits during menstruation in Dhaka city |
Authors: Chisty MA, Afrose N and Shahrujjaman SM; Pages: 20-28 Musabber Ali Chisty1 1Lecturer, Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Girls reach their menarche at the age of 11.9 years on average and around 60% of them lack knowledge of menstruation before they reach menarche. Despite being one of the major health concerns, discussion on menstrual hygiene is still regarded as taboo in many rural and urban communities of Bangladesh. The study is mainly based on primary data. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data. Also, secondary resources were reviewed for support. More than 98 percent of respondents were positive that they have physical access to continuous water supply around their residence with a very low flow of water in the slum areas. More than 57.5 percent of respondents get only 10-20 liter water for bathing and cleaning purposes during menstruation days which is very low. Women in slum areas spent more than 200-500 BDT monthly to get water. There is a disparity between getting access to water between respondents from two study areas. From respondents of slum areas, more than 17 percent of respondents face a shortage of water to use for cleaning purposes. More than 16.7 percent of respondents replied that they don’t get enough menstrual and hygiene kits from their family when they asked for it. Only 14.2 percent of respondents ever received any menstruation products for free for once or twice. More than 51 percent of respondents perceive it is very expensive to purchase menstruation products. The study concluded that practices and management of menstrual hygiene are not up to the mark yet in urban areas of Bangladesh. Women and girls still lack behind in terms of knowledge and information about menstrual hygiene. There is a need for special care to support women and girls for the betterment of their health. Keywords: Women, Access, Hygiene Kits, Menstruation Kits, Health, Water.
How to cite this article: Chisty MA, Afrose N and Shahrujjaman SM (2020). Urban women’s access to water and hygiene kits during menstruation in Dhaka city. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 20-28. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4007937 |
Digestive surgical affections in sheep and goats in state of Kuwait |
Authors: Ali K, HAMA Farghali and Shamaa AAE; Pages: 29-36 Khalifah Ali1 1Public authority for agriculture affairs and fish resources – Kuwait City, Kuwait
Various surgical affections have been recorded in these animals resulting in low productivity and high economic losses. The study was conducted from October 2017 to October 2019 in different farms belonging to Public authority for agriculture affairs and fish resources – Kuwait City, Kuwait. In this study different 96 cases of Digestive surgical affections in sheep and goats. Various injuries were recorded and their proportions were as follows umbilical hernia 27%, foreign body in rumen rumenotomy 21%, abdominal hernia 17%, rectal prolapse 11.4%, atresia ani 7%, abomasum displacement 3%, rectal carcinoma 5%, rumen fistula 4%, intestinal prolapse (omphalocele) 2%. On the other hand, the highest infection rate in sheep was 71%, while goats were 28%. In addition to the infection rate of females more than males, where the percentage of females was 68.7% and males were 31%. The surgical affections are common in sheep and goats at Kuwait may cause economic losses and most of these affections are curable. Keywords: Surgical affection, Digestive system, Sheep and Goat.
How to cite this article: Ali K, HAMA Farghali and Shamaa AAE (2020). Digestive surgical affections in sheep and goats in state of Kuwait. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 29-36. |
Effect of planting time on the seed production of three varieties of carrot |
Authors: Lutfunnahar, Kamrunnaher R, Lucky SA, Jabunnaher M and Rahim MA; Pages: 37-50 Lutfunnahar1 1Upazila Agriculture Office, Gouripur, Mymensingh
An experiment was carried out at the Field Laboratory of Horticulture Farm, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period from October, 2007 to May, 2008 to examine the effects of three different planting time viz. 05 January, 15 January and 25 January on the seed production of three carrot varieties viz. BA (Brasillia Agroflora), PA (Prima Agroflora) and NK (New Kuroda) which constituted 9 treatment combinations. The experiment was laid out in Randomized complete Block Design (BCBD) with three replications. Planting time had significant effect on most of the parameters studied. The January 05 planting of steckling gave the highest seed yield (17.63 g/plant and 2014.64 kg/ha) and the lowest was in January 25 planting of steckling (9.05 g/plant and 1207.31 kg/ha). Among the varieties Brassilia Agroflora (BA) gave the highest seed yield (15.45 g/plant and 1812.90 kg/ha) and the lowest yield for New Kuroda (11.72 g/plant and 1365.53 kg/ha.) Considering combined effect of planting time and variety the highest seed yield (19.68 g/plant and 2324.26 kg/ha) was obtained from the treatment combination of the variety BA with early planting (05 January) and the lowest (7.86 g/plant and 1057.35 kg/ha) was recorded from the late planting (25 January) in variety New Kuroda. Keywords: Planting time, Seed production, Brasillia Agroflora, New Kuroda, Prima Agroflora, Carrot.
How to cite this article: Lutfunnahar, Kamrunnaher R, Lucky SA, Jabunnaher M and Rahim MA (2020). Effect of planting time on the seed production of three varieties of carrot. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 37-50. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4040671. |
Residual effect of amoxicillin in broiler |
Authors: Khatun MS, Das D, Akter MS, Faruk MAZ, Das S, Tuhin MRI and Islam MS; Pages: 51-58 Mst. Shumiya Khatun1, Dolan Das1,5 1Department of Pharmacology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
This study was designed with the aim to determine the impact of residual antibiotics on poultry muscle (breast and thigh), kidney, spleen, fat & liver and effect of discriminate and indiscriminate use of antibiotic on haematological constituents in broiler chickens. The chickens were properly reared and on the day of 16, chicks were randomly divided into three groups namely control group (group A), discriminate antibiotic group (group B), indiscriminate antibiotic group (group c). Each group consists six chicks. In case of discriminate group, the chicks were treated with amoxicillin antibiotic followed by maintaining withdrawal period one week before the sacrifice of the birds. On the other hand indiscriminate group of chicks was continued without maintaining any withdrawal period and birds were sacrificed for sampling. TLC method was used for screening detection of amoxicillin residues in poultry tissues and hematological parameters were investigated with appropriate methods such as hemoglobin determination, packed cell volume and total erythrocyte count. In case of control group (group A): No positive sample found. In case of discriminate group (group B): the residues of amoxicillin were 100% in livers, 66.67% in kidneys, 0% in thigh muscles, and 0% in breast muscles, 33.34% in fat and 33.34% in spleen. In case of indiscriminate group (group c): the residues of amoxicillin were 100% in livers, 100% in kidneys, 16.67% in thigh muscles, and 16.67% in breast muscles, 50% in fat and 50% in spleen. Among the poultry tissues, liver and kidney had the highest level of antibiotic residues in comparison to other samples. It was observed that indiscriminate use of antibiotic represent the antibiotic residues in different edible tissues. Evidence suggests that more judicious use of antimicrobials in food animals will reduce the selection of resistant bacteria and help to preserve these valuable drugs for both human and veterinary medicine. National authorities should adopt a proactive approach that promotes programs aimed at reducing the need for antimicrobials in food animals and ensuring their prudent use. Further investigation is required for the quantitative determination of antibiotic residues in food product. Keywords: Antibiotic residues, Amoxicillin, broiler, Thin layer chromatography.
How to cite this article: Khatun MS, Das D, Akter MS, Faruk MAZ, Das S, Tuhin MRI and Islam MS (2020). Residual effect of amoxicillin in broiler. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 51-58. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4063937. |
Pathological investigation and identification of bacteria from bovine uterus |
Authors: Nahar MN, Majumder R and Hossain MM ; Pages: 59-70 Mst. Naznin Nahar1, Rumi Majumder2 1Upazila Livestock Office, Charghat, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
The present study was carried out to determine the occurrence of bacteria as well as pathological lesions in the uterus of slaughtered cattle. A total of 20 selected samples from 30 randomly collected samples were taken from the uteri with grossly identifiable lesions such as congested, hemorrhagic, cystic and mucus filled uteri. The used methods were cultural technique, staining procedure and different types of biochemical test and histopathology. The bacteriological swab samples were collected from the lumen of the uteri in nutrient broth. The histopathological samples were collected in 10% neutral buffered neutral formalin. The collected tissues were fixed, processed, sectioned, stained and studied with light microscope. The mostly observed gross lesions were hemorrhagic, congested and mucus filled uterus with some abnormalities on the ovary. All the gross lesions were not found in all uteri. The occurrence of bacteria 22.92% Bacillus spp, 12.50% Streptococcus spp, 25.00% Staphylococcus spp, 31.11% Escherichia coli and 10.417% Klebsiella spp. were recorded in 20 uteri of cattle. Microscopically, acute endometritis was characterized by thickening of the epithelial layer, infiltration of neutrophil in the submucosal layer, dilatation of endometrial glands and congestion of blood vessels. In chronic endometritis, infiltration of lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells in the sub mucosal layer and proliferation of fibrous connective tissue within the myometrium. In adenomyosis, dilatation of endometrial glands and presence of endometrial gland in the myometrium were recorded. The microscopic lesions were variable in uteri. The occurrence of acute endometritis was 33.33%, chronic endometritis 26.66% and adenomyosis 6.66% respectively. In acute and chronic endometritis, the isolated bacteria were Bacillus spp, Streptococcus spp, Staphylococcus spp, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. while in adenomyosis cases the isolated bacteria were Bacillus spp, Staphylococcus spp and Escherichia coli. To understand the role of these bacteria in the production of pathological lesions further studies are needed. Keywords: Uterus, Cow, Bacteria, Histo- Pathology, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella.
How to cite this article: Nahar MN, Majumder R and Hossain MM (2020). Pathological investigation and identification of bacteria from bovine uterus. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 59-70. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4043448. |
Prevalence and risk factors of sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cows at some selected areas of Patuakhali |
Authors: Hasan A, Tasnim DC and Sharifuzzaman; Pages: 71-78 Aliul Hasan1 1Department of Agriculture, Dhankhali Degree College, Patuakhali, Bangladesh
The risk factors related to mastitis is necessary for prevention and control of mastitis, an economically important dairy disease. The purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence and identify the potential risk factors of sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cows at some selected areas of Patuakhali district, Bangladesh from March 2017 to February 2018. A total of 200 lactating cows were randomly collected from study area. California Mastitis Test (CMT), White Side Test (WST) and Surf Field Mastitis Test (SFMT) was performed on each quarter sample of lactating cows at field condition for the determination of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. Overall prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 10% (20/200). The prevalence of subclinical mastitis was comparatively higher in cross breed (65%) as compared to local breed (35%). The highest prevalence of SCM in dairy cows was also found in mid lactation period (64.71%), Backyard rearing of cows (75%), a cow with post parturient disease (75%) and 3rd parity group (45%). Moreover, the cows grazing in free range areas; poor health conditions; season and feeding management increase the susceptibility of SCM. For early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis, CMT could be performed regularly as a control measures and emphasis should be provided on farm management practices, particularly on milking hygiene and udder sanitation. Keywords: Prevalence, subclinical mastitis, risk factors, dairy cows.
How to cite this article: Hasan A, Tasnim DC and Sharifuzzaman (2020). Prevalence and risk factors of sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cows at some selected areas of Patuakhali. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 71-78. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4043541. |
Combined output value in hybrid maize and squash intercropping system |
Authors: Khanum MM, Bazzaz MM, Nuruzzaman M, Akther MA and Ahmed K; Pages: 79-88 M. M. Khanum1 1Scientific Officer, Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Rajbari, Dinajpur-5200
The experiment was conducted in the research field of Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Rajbari, Dinajpur during the rabi season of 2016-17 and 2017-18 to know the suitability of squash intercrop with maize in which row arrangement could be useful to farmers and the economic performance of the maize-squash intercropping systems. Five different intercropping combinations along with sole cropping of maize and squash were employed in the study following randomized complete block design. Different intercropping combinations were evaluated by performed on basis of several intercropping indices such as land equivalent ratio (LER), system productivity index (SPI), competitive ratio (CR), monetary advantages index (MAI), replacement value of intercropping (RVI) and economics performance. The monetary return of intercropping of maize with squash with different planting ratio was significantly higher as compared to sole cropping. The highest maize equivalent yield (18.35 t ha-1), gross return (Tk.275250 ha-1), gross margin (Tk.188930 ha-1), BCR (3.19), LER (1.65), SPI (11.03), RVI (2.92), MAI (108431) were in T5 (Maize paired row (37.5cm/150cm/37.5cm) (100%) + 2 rows squash (Pl. to Pl. 1m) (100%) in between maize paired row) compared to other intercropping combination and sole cropping of maize. The results revealed that Maize paired row (37.5cm/150cm/37.5cm) (100%) + 2 rows squash (Pl. to Pl. 1m) (100%) in between maize paired row (T5) combination could be suitable for total productivity and economic return. Keywords: Maize, Squash, intercropping, Land equivalent ratio, Benefit-cost.
How to cite this article: Khanum MM, Bazzaz MM, Nuruzzaman M, Akther MA and Ahmed K (2020). Combined output value in hybrid maize and squash intercropping system. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 79-88. |
Staking and pruning enhance the production of ‘Roma VF’ tomato in coastal region of Bangladesh |
Authors: Nipa SN, Islam MS and Islam MM; Pages: 89-93 Sinigdha Nahar Nipa1, Mohammad Shafiqul Islam1, Md. Morshedul Islam1,2 1Department of Agriculture, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh
Staking and pruning could improve the yield of tomatoes. The present investigation was aimed to find out the staking and pruning effect on tomato production. The research was done on ‘Roma VF’ tomato in coastal region of Bangladesh” to determine the effect of staking and pruning on growth and yield of tomato plants. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) on single variety tomato plant with three treatments (no staking and no pruning, only pruning, staking and pruning) and three replications in coastal region. The parameters of the study were plant height (cm), number of branches per plant, number of leaves per plant, number of flowers per plant, number of fruits per plant, fruit brix (%). Among all treatments staking and pruning was responsible for maximum average height (46 cm), number of branches per plant (7.67), number of leaves per branch (21), number of flowers per plant (18), number of fruits per plant (8.33) and fruit brix (11.3%). The statistical analysis of data showed the significant effect of treatments on tomato plants. Among all treatments staking and pruning is the best treatment, and it is suitable for farmers in tomato production. Keywords: Tomato, staking, pruning.
How to cite this article: Nipa SN, Islam MS and Islam MM (2020). Staking and pruning enhance the production of ‘Roma VF’ tomato in coastal region of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 89-93. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4068186. |
Udder and teat surgical affections in sheep and goats in state of Kuwait |
Authors: Ali K, Farghali HAMA and Shamaa AAE; Pages: 94-99 Khalifah Ali1 1Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources – Kuwait City, Kuwait
Udder is one of the most important organs of bovine as it is directly related to productivity and the farmer’s economy. The udder and teat affections may not be life threatening to the animal but may affect its productive life. The study was conducted from October 2017 to October 2019 in different farms belonging to Public authority for agriculture affairs and fish resources – Kuwait City, Kuwait. In this study we recorded 84 cases of udder and teat surgical affections in sheep and goats. Among them udder multi abscess 47.6%, udder gangrene 23.8%, udder hernia 10.7%, teat affections 9.5%, blind teat 8%. On the other side, the highest infection rate in sheep was 62%, while goats were 38%. Many affections of teat and udder can be cured by undertaking surgical interventions but they must be carried out under complete aseptic conditions to prevent further complications. Keywords: Udder and teat affections, Sheep and Goats, Kuwait.
How to cite this article: Ali K, Farghali HAMA and Shamaa AAE (2020). Udder and teat surgical affections in sheep and goats in state of Kuwait. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 94-99. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4071306. |
Assessment of knowledge and attitudes regarding psychotherapy among nurses in selected mental hospital of Bangladesh |
Authors: Sarker SB, Lee CY, Rehana J and Mollick DR; Pages: 100-107 Suchitra Bala Sarker1 1National Institute of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, Dhaka
Psychotherapy is an important mental health intervention for managing psychiatric disorders and everyday life problem. The aim of the study is to explore nurses’ knowledge and attitudes regarding psychotherapy in the management of psychiatric patients. A Descriptive correlation study was conducted among 100 nurses selected by using convenient sampling technique. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analyzing the data. Finding shows that the relationship between knowledge and attitudes among nurses regarding psychotherapy is very highly significant (r =.63, p =.000). The mean age of the respondents was 41.45 years. The result shows that nurses who were BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) and above degree have higher knowledge (t =-5.50, p<.001) and positive attitudes (t =-3.21, p<.002) compared with those who had Diploma. This study indicates that nurses who had diploma and more aged have less knowledge. Therefore, nurses with diploma with or without experience still need psychotherapeutic educational curriculum in diploma level and training on psychotherapy for nurses who are working in mental health setting. It is expected that the finding of this study will help to delineate psychotherapeutic nursing knowledge and its effectiveness for nursing department. Keywords: Psychotherapy, Knowledge, Attitudes, Nurse.
How to cite this article: Sarker SB, Lee CY, Rehana J and Mollick DR (2020). Assessment of knowledge and attitudes towards psychotherapy among nurses in selected mental hospital of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(3): 100-107. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4273755. |