Volume 9, Issue 2 (May 2022)
Research, Review and Clinical Articles
Tannery industry impacts on hydrogeochemistry and heavy metal contents of two major rivers in Dhaka |
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Out of pocket expenditure of coronary heart disease patients in selected tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh |
Authors: Parvin MR, Azam MRU, Islam MT and Ara I; Pages: 13-22 Most. Rehena Parvin1 1Department of Public Health and Hospital Administration, 2Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry, National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
The purpose of the study was to estimate the amount of out of pocket expenditure in case of coronary heart disease patient. A descriptive type of cross sectional study was conducted on 204 coronary heart disease patients admitted and currently treated for, in-patient department in coronary unit of Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medial College Hospital, Bogura. Data were collected by using pretested semi structured questionnaire. The study conducted from January 2020 to December 2020. Data were analyzed by statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 26. Majority of the respondent age were in between 40-55 years. Most of them were male and in service group. In both sex 38.2 % were AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction), 16.7 % were STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction) and majority of the respondents were suffered from AMI as the first attack (56.2%). Among them 52.5% were spent money from savings, 21.1% have to sell property for treatment, none of them under coverage of any insurance or social financial safety. Medicine cost was low as because of most of the costly and cardiac medicines are supplied by the government. 51.5% respondents paid no money for medicines, average cost of medicine was 204.66Tk. Average cost of investigation was 1318 Tk, average cost of food 427.94Tk. Most of the respondent reached to the hospital by CNG and the average transport was 2008.92Tk and mean unofficial payment was 87.09Tk. There was no bed charge as all the patients stayed in nonpaying bed for continuous observation. According to this study the minimum total medical cost was 325Tk and maximum were 4525Tk, median total medical cost was 1425Tk, and median total non-medical cost was 1280Tk. Minimum total out pocket expenditure was 575Tk and maximum was 11525Tk. The median out of pocket expenditure was 2975Tk. The association between out of pocket expenditure and education of the respondents was statistically significant (p<0.05).This study provides some insight into the OPE in the cardiac unit of SZRMCH, Bogura which might be helpful in developing a strategy to minimize the OPE in cardiac unit. Keywords: Out of Pocket Expenditure, Coronary Heart Disease, Tertiary Care Hospital.
How to cite this article: Parvin MR, Azam MRU, Islam MT and Ara I (2022). Out of pocket expenditure of coronary heart disease patients in selected tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 9(2): 13-22. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7113892. |
Knowledge and practices on tuberculosis infection control among nurses at a specialized hospital in Bangladesh |
Authors: Sarker FB, Begum T, Akter MK, Islam MS and Begom MK; Pages: 23-30 Fani Bhushan Sarker1, Taslima Begum2, Mosammet Khaleda Akter3, Md. Shariful Islam4, Mst. Kohinur Begom5 1Lalmonirhat Nursing College, Lalmonirhat, Bangladesh
Tuberculosis (TB) is infectious disease which represents a major health problem among the health care professionals especially in nurses around the world. This study was aimed to determine the levels of TB-related knowledge and practices of nurses in Bangladesh, and their associated socio-demographic factors. A descriptive correlational study design was used. A total of 112 nurses were selected randomly from National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital (NIDCH), Mohakhali, Dhaka. Data were collected from January to February, 2020. A 20- item Knowledge on TB Questionnaire (KTBQ) was used to measure the nurse’s level of knowledge on TB. A 17- item Practice on Tuberculosis Questionnaire (PTBQ) was used to assess the level of nurses’ practice on TB infection control. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean, and standard deviation were used to describe the sample characteristics. Inferential statistics such as Pearson correlation test, one way of ANOVA, and t-test were used to examine the relationship between the variables. Data revealed that nurses had low level of knowledge (Mean=15.68 SD=2.26) and practice (Mean=47.91 SD=3.29) on TB infection control. There was statistically significant correlation between length of service and higher education level with practice on TB control. Nurses obtained low level of knowledge and practice on TB infection control. Higher education and more experienced nurses are required in practicing TB infection control. Keywords: Tuberculosis, knowledge, preventive practice, Nurses.
How to cite this article: Sarker FB, Begum T, Akter MK, Islam MS and Begom MK (2022). Knowledge and practices on tuberculosis infection control among nurses at a specialized hospital in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 9(2): 23-30. |
Health promoting behaviors among college students in Bangladesh |
Authors: Begum MM, Anower MN, Khatun S and Akter MK; Pages: 31-38 Mst. Monnuja Begum1 1Community Health Nursing, National Institute of Advanced Nursing Education and Research (NIANER)
Health promoting behaviors are the complex and multi-faceted determinant of health. This study was aimed to describe the health promoting behaviors among college students in Bangladesh. This a descriptive study conducted among 112 college students were selected randomly. The Adolescent Health Promotion Short-Form (AHP-SF) questionnaire was used to describe health promoting behaviors of college students. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation to describe and examine the relationship participants’ characteristics and health promoting behaviors. The mean age was17.91(SD±.926) years and among them 95% were Muslims, 74.10% living in nuclear family and 83.03% living with their parents, mean score of health promoting behaviors of college students was 2.73±.620 in a 5 point Likert Scale, it indicates their moderate level of health promoting behavior. In this study gender (p.043), types of family (p.000), monthly family income (p.000), unhealthy behaviors (p.000) and skin diseases (p.011) were demonstrated significant association with the health promoting behaviors of college students. Develop and implement on effective health promoting programme at college students is crucial to encourage them to form lifelong healthy habits and improve quality of life. Keywords: Health promoting behaviors, College students, Unhealthy behaviors, Exercise and Healthy habits.
How to cite this article: Begum MM, Anower MN, Khatun S and Akter MK (2022). Health promoting behaviors among college students in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 9(2): 31-38. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7361367. |
Determinants of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients for treatment adherence: a cross sectional study in Bangladesh |
Authors: Rozario M, Khanam F, Akter T and Islam T ; Pages: 39-45 Mukta Rozario¹ 1Department of Public Health and Hospital Administration, NIPSOM, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
The aim of this study is to assess the determinants of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients (MDR TB) for treatment adherence. A cross sectional study was carried out for one year in National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital (NIDCH), Dhaka. One hundred and twenty MDR TB patients were selected for this study. Data were collected by treatment record review and face to face interview by using pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS version 20. Data revealed that the disease was most prevalent (42.5%) among age group from 21 – 30 years (mean age 30.61 years). Among enrolled patients 90.8% had medication adherence according to treatment regimen. Only 9.2% respondents had interruption of their medication due to side effect of the drugs and delivery disruption. 81.7% had received regular follow up visit. Among patients 87.5% had regular follow up sputum test done according to guideline. Most of the respondents were informed about MDR TB from doctors. It was observed that mass media had no active role in MDR TB. However, the treatment adherence rate of the MDR TB patients was moderately satisfactory. Treatment supporters, oral medication use, previous pulmonary TB disease were identified as determinants of MDR TB treatment adherence. To improve MDR TB treatment adherence, a patient -centered approach should be considered at the programmatic level. Keywords: MDR TB, Adherence to treatment, interruption of treatment.
How to cite this article: Rozario M, Khanam F, Akter T and Islam T (2022). Determinants of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients for treatment adherence: a cross sectional study in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 9(2): 39-45. |
Efficiency of artificial insemination compared to natural mating in Aseel breed of chicken |
Authors: Pramanik MAH, Miah AG and Salma U ; Pages: 46-53 Md. Ahsan Habib Pramanik1 1Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, 2Department of Animal Science and Nutrition; Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Artificial insemination (AI) and natural mating (NM) are a well-known technique of breeding for poultry in developed countries. AI includes collection, examination, dilution and then deposition of semen into the reproductive tract of female animals. Worldwide AI is widely used in developed countries but no initiative has yet been undertaken in Bangladesh. Therefore the current study was undertaken to investigate the suitability and efficiency of this technique to compare the fertility and hatchability traits, egg weight and day-old chick weight produced by Aseel chickens. For AI the chickens were sexually matured at 18 weeks of age and a dose of 50 microliter of volume semen contained 100-200 million spermatozoa. A total of 54 hens and 18 males were selected for this study i.e. each treatment group contained 6 hens and 2 cocks and each treatment group had 3(three) replications. The age at maturity of birds, egg weight and day-old chicks’ weight did not vary significantly with treatment groups. The fertility percent demonstrated by artificial insemination using fresh and diluted semen was significantly better (P<0.05) than natural mating but hatchability did not differ significantly. The other hatchability traits did not vary significantly. Keywords: Artificial insemination, Natural mating, Aseel, Chicken.
How to cite this article: Pramanik MAH, Miah AG and Salma U (2022). Efficiency of artificial insemination compared to natural mating in Aseel breed of chicken. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 9(2): 46-53. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7184106. |
Heavy metal distribution and contamination in wetland sediments: A review |
Authors: Talukder R; Pages: 54-60 Department of Soil Science, Sylhet Agricultural University, Stlhet-3100, Bangladesh
Wetlands are an integral part of the watershed ecosystems, and consists of shallow water. These wetlands contain high levels of nutrients and primary productivity which is ideal for the development of organisms that form the base of the food web and feed many species of fish, amphibians, shellfish, and insects. At the same time, due to extensive use and exploited by mankind civilization, heavy mental pollution has an important impact on wetland ecosystems. Heavy metals are released into the environment from a variety of natural and anthropogenic sources. Assessing heavy metals concentration in wetland sediments, their distribution, sources and potential ecological risk on aquatic organisms are crucial steps for the protection and sustainable utilization of wetland resources. Several studies have been performed on the distribution of heavy metal on wetland and the factor affecting the concentration and the risk caused by heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems. This paper is primarily focused to provide a profound and brief review on present status of heavy metal contamination, their source, assessment and their impacts through sedimentary analysis. Keywords: Heavy metal, sediment, wetland.
How to cite this article: Talukder R (2022). Heavy metal distribution and contamination in wetland sediments: A review. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 9(2): 54-60. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7213428. |
Implementation of gender action plan and gender mainstreaming – an instrument of poverty reduction |
Authors: Naher I and Banerjee SK; Pages: 61-67 Iren Naher1 1Social Safeguard Unit, Development Design Consultant, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Women in Bangladesh remain particularly vulnerable to living in poverty. Socially prescribed roles have limited women’s access to economic resources. Gender action plan is redressing existing gender inequalities and re-defining women’s and men’s gender roles and relations through guidance on gender mainstreaming. Main objective of gender action plan is creation of equal opportunity for women in social and economic activities. Thus, women’s employment opportunities increased significantly, allowing for an improvement in the family’s income level and contributing significantly to family expenses. Along with the increase in family income, women’s social choices have increased with the globalization phenomenon. All out efforts, both by public and private sectors, have to be pursued to increase labor force participation by eligible women folk as the women participation is yet very low in Bangladesh which is 36.3 percent (world average is 48 percent). Gender equality is an important aspect of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Goal-5 especially emphasizes on gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls. This goal encourages for adopting and strengthening sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels. Government and Non-Government strategy will focus on the empowerment of women and on narrowing gender gaps through a two-pronged approach combining gender mainstreaming in all activities with complementary specific initiatives to address persistent structural constraints faced by women. Keywords: Gender Action Plan, Gender Mainstreaming, Sustainable Development Goals, Millennium Development Goals, Poverty
How to cite this article: Naher I and Banerjee SK (2022). Implementation of gender action plan and gender mainstreaming – an instrument of poverty reduction. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 9(2): 61-67. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7365989. |
Effects of solidified urea molasses multi-nutrient block on productive performances of indigenous cows and calves under village condition of Bangladesh |
Authors: Islam MS, Tanzin M, Haque ME, Bashar MMN, Hossain MA and Khan MAS; Pages: 68-76 Md. Shafiqul Islam1, Mashrufa Tanzin2, Mohammod Enamul Haque3, Molla Mohammad Neyamul Basar4, Md. Anwar Hossain5 1Department of Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
The present piece of research work was conducted to find out the effect of solidified urea molasses multi-nutrient block (UMMB) on productive performances of indigenous cows and calves. The UMMB may be used as a catalytic feeding to straw based diet of indigenous cows for improving milk production and fertility. About 250 g/h/d solidified UMMB were supplied to 36 indigenous cows. On the contrary, 27 cows were in control group and 27 cows in cake UMMB groups in same village. Data was analyzed of variance in single Randomized Block Design (RBD). The DMRT was used to find out the difference among the mean values. The productive performances of cows viz. live weight changes of cows, calves and condition score of cows were measured monthly. The results of productive performance in control, cake UMMB and solidified UMMB groups showed that live weight changes of cows -34, -3.29 and -51.5 g/d; calves weight gain 55, 90 and 84 g/d (p>0.05), respectively, milk yield (kg/d/cows) 1.34, 1.83 and 1.65 (p>0.05), condition score of cows (1-5 points ranks) 2.30, 2.50 and 2.51 (P>0.05), respectively. So, solidified UMMB may be used for more milk yield, better calf weight gain and better condition score for indigenous cows of village level farming condition of Bangladesh.. Keywords: Indigenous cows and calves, Productive performance, Solidified UMMB, Condition score
How to cite this article: Islam MS, Tanzin M, Haque ME, Bashar MMN, Hossain MA and Khan MAS (2022). Effects of solidified urea molasses multi-nutrient block on productive performances of indigenous cows and calves under village condition of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 9(2): 68-76. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7374976. |