Volume 3, Issue 2 (May 2016)
Research Articles
Prevalence of avian influenza in three selected upazilas of Barisal district in Bangladesh | |||||
Authors: Hussain MM, Islam MS, Mahmud MAA, Islam MN and Hasan K; Pages: 1-3 Md. Miraz Hussain1 1Department of Biochemistry and Food Analysis, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, Bangladesh
The purpose of this work was to identify the avian influenza virus (AIV) and to know prevalence AIV of poultry in Barisal district, Bangladesh. The present study was conducted in three selected upazilla of Barisal district (Sadar, Bakerganj and Banaripara. Cloacal and tracheal swabs from chickens were collected from farms of study areas. To test Avian Influenza among the samples Antigen Rapid AIV Ag Test kit (Bionote, Korea) were used. Only 2 tracheal samples were positive for AIV out of 100 samples and all the cloacal samples were negative for AIV. The study demonstrated that the prevalence of AIV was very low (2%) in the study areas. The results also indicated that there was no immediate outbreak of AIV in the representative upazila of Barisal. Keywords: Avian Influenza, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Hussain MM, Islam MS, Mahmud MAA, Islam MN and Hasan K (2016). Prevalence of avian influenza in three selected upazilas of Barisal district in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 01-03. |
Profitability and technical efficiency of Boro rice (BRRI dhan29) cultivation in Dinajpur and Bogra of Bangladesh |
Authors: Rahman KT, Bari MR and Kamruzzaman M; Pages: 4-11 Kazi Tamim Rahman1 1Department of Agricultural Economics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Salna, Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh
The focus of the study was to estimate the profitability and technical efficiency of BRRI dhan29 rice in the northern part of Bangladesh. Primary data were collected from 60 farmers comprising Dinajpur (30 farmers) and Bogra (30 farmers) districts using a structured interview schedule in the year of 2010. Descriptive and inferential statistics as well as Cobb Douglas production function were used to analyze the data. Descriptive study revealed that the rice farmers in the areas are male of about 30-50 years aged, having medium-scale farm size and no higher education. The socioeconomic conditions of the rice growers were not so much impressive in the study areas. Considering all farms, total costs were BDT 63048 ha-1 and BDT 67352 ha-1 in Dinajpur and Bogra districts, respectively. The yield of rice was found higher in Dinajpur compare to Bogra. Therefore, gross return from Dinajpur was much higher (BDT 80069 ha-1) than that of Bogra (BDT 74032 ha-1). Benefit cost ratio of rice implying that rice (BRRI dhan29) cultivation in Dinajpur region was more profitable than Bogra region. The empirical results indicated that the coefficients of human labor, seed cost, MP, gypsum, and irrigation cost were positive and significant which implied that an increase in the magnitudes of these variables would result the positive impacts on rice production in Dinajpur region. On the other hand, some coefficients were positive (human labor, seed, and urea) and some were negative (land preparation, and gypsum), but both had significant effect on the yield of rice in Bogra region. Keywords: Profitability, technical efficiency, Rice (BRRI dhan29), Bogra, Dinajpur.
How to cite this article: Rahman KT, Bari MR and Kamruzzaman M (2016). Profitability and technical efficiency of Boro rice (BRRI dhan29) cultivation in Dinajpur and Bogra of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 04-11. |
Participation of rural youth in rural development activities in Bangladesh |
Authors: Islam MR, Haque MM and Bostami M; Pages: 12-20 Md. Rafiquel Islam, Mirza Mobashwerul Haque Department Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
The main purposes of this study were to determine the participation of the rural youth in selected rural development activities in Bangladesh. The selected characteristics were age, education, family farm size, family annual income, training experience, cosmopoliteness, organizational participation, communication exposure and family size were considered as factors which might influence the participation in these developmental activities. The study was conducted in Sarishabari Upazila under Jamalpur district. Data were collected from 80 rural youths by using interview schedule during 10 to 30th May, 2008. Appropriate scales were developed in order to measure the concerned variables. Participation Index (PAI) was also computed to explain the dependent variable. Out of the 24 items of participation by rural youth in rural development activities, the top 5 were: i. inspire people to send their children to school, ii. advise parents, relatives and neighbor to adopt high yielding variety (HYV) iii. minimize local conflict, iv. advise parents, relatives and neighbor to maintain soil fertility, v. advise parents, relatives and neighbor about fertilizer management. However, in respect of overall participation by rural youth, 50% was in low category and 38.8% was in medium category. Among the rural youths minor school education were 71.3% and 25% high school education only. The highest proportion (65%) had small farm size, 40% had very low to low annual income, 57.5% had low training exposure and 42.5% had medium training exposure, 45% had low organizational participation and 48.8% had no organizational participation, 51.3% had low communication exposure quality, 47.5% had low cosmopoliteness quality. Keywords: Rural youth, Rural development, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Islam MR, Haque MM and Bostami M (2016). Participation of rural youth in rural development activities in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 12-20. |
Prevalence and antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria isolated from respiratory system of cattle |
Authors: Mahmud MAA, Islam MN, Khan MFR, Hussain MM and Rahman MM; Pages: 21-29 Md. Abdullah Al Mahmud1 1Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2200, Bangladesh
The present study was conducted for isolation, identification, determination of biochemical properties, frequency distribution, pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity of the bacteria, isolated from nasal and lung swab from healthy and sick cattle around the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) campus and brought for the treatment in the Veterinary Clinic, BAU, Mymensingh with a history of suffering from acute respiratory problem. A total of 40 nasal and lung swabs were collected. A series of tests were performed for the isolation and identification of different types of bacteria and to determine the frequency distribution, pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity of those isolates to different antibiotics. Different types of ordinary, enriched and selective media such as Nutrient agar, Blood agar, MacConkey agar, Eosin Methylene Blue agar, Salmonella-Shigella agar, Triple Sugar Iron agar, Crystal Violet Blood agar, Nutrient agar slant and Triple Sugar Iron agar slant etc .were used for the determination of the cultural characteristics of the different types of isolated bacteria. Biochemical properties of the isolated bacteria were studied by sugar fermentation, catalase, coagulase and IMViC utilization tests. As the isolates of the bacteria were different so the patterns of reactivity of the isolates with various biochemical tests were also different. On the basis of morphology, staining, cultural and biochemical characteristics, the isolated organisms were classified as E. coli, Staphylococcus, Bacillus. Out of 40 samples only 20 samples were found positive for Staphylococcus, 10 samples were positive for Bacillus species. The organisms E. coli was isolated from 6 samples and 4 samples were found negative for bacteria. The pathogenicity of the 3 different types of bacteria isolated from cattle was studied by inoculation individually in day old mice (Staphylococcus, Bacillus, and E. coli) after 24 hrs all the mice were died. Staphylococcus spp. was found highly sensitive to erythromycin, moderately sensitive to ampicillin, amoxycillin, mild sensitive to penicillin, nalidixic acid, azithromycin and resistant to trimethoprim and metronidazole respectively. Bacillus spp. was found highly sensitive to nalidixic acid, moderately sensitive to erythromycin and azithromycin and resistant to amoxicillin metronidazole, penicillin, trimethroprim and ampicillin respectively. Whereas E coli was highly sensitive to ciprofloxacin, norfloxacillin, enrofloxacin moderately sensitive to amoxycillin, pefloxacin, furazolidone and mild sensitive ampicillin and gentamycin respectively. The pneumonia was severe in case of mixed infection where two or more types of organisms involved. The study suggests that there might be some mutual exchanges of virulent factors between the bacteria which make the neonatal calf more susceptible to pneumonia. From this study it is observed that pneumonia is more prominent in young, female those are poorly nourished and in unhygienic condition with high humidity in rainy season and faulty managemental practices. The result of this study speculates that ciprofloxacin and amoxycillin may have the preference in clinical control of cattle pneumonia. Keywords: Prevalence, Pneumonia, Cattle, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Mahmud MAA, Islam MN, Khan MFR, Hussain MM and Rahman MM (2016). Prevalence and antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria isolated from respiratory system of cattle. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 21-29. |
Effect of bulb size on growth and flowering of tuberose cv. single |
Authors: Akand MSH, Sultana Z, Khatun MM, Patwary NH and Amin MR; Pages: 30-37 Muhammad Shafiqul Hoq Akand1 1Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
The present study was conducted at the Horticulture farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, during the period from 01 May 2005 to 30 April 2006. The experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of bulb sizes i. e. small, medium and large (1.5-2.0, 2.1-2.5 and 2.6-3.0 cm in diameter respectively) on the growth and flowering of tuberose cv. Single. Bulbs of tuberose cv. Single were planted at the spacing of 30X20 cm. The result of the experiment revealed that bulb size had significant influence on all parameters studied .Plant height and number of leaves per plant at different stages of growth i.e. 84, 112, 140 ,168 and 200 days after planting were increased significantly with the increase of bulb size of tuberose. The number of side shoot per plant was increased with the increase of bulb size. On an average 19.58 side shoot was obtained from large bulb and the lowest 9.01 was from small bulb. The highest height of side shoot (57.58 cm) was recorded from the large bulb while the lowest plant height (44.39 cm) was obtained from small bulb size. Number of leaves per side shoot increased with the increase of bulb size. The maximum number of leaves per side shoot 17.31 was obtained from the side shoot produced from the large bulb and the minimum 9.91 from small bulb. The highest duration of flowering was obtained from the large bulb (19.65 days) and the shortest duration of flowering was obtained from the small bulb (13.97 days). Spike produced from the large bulb had the maximum diameter (1.13 cm) while it was minimum (0.77 cm) in the spike produced from the small bulb. The highest number of floret (47.50) was obtained in the plants grown from large bulb and the lowest (34.38) from small bulb. The maximum number spike (424.08 thousand) was obtained from plants of large bulbs. On the other hand, plants from small bulb produced minimum number (287.24 thousands). The maximum average weight of spike (41.76 gm) was obtained from large bulb which was minimum (33.25 gm) in small bulb. The yield of spike gradually increased as the size of bulb increased. The highest yields (17.79 ton/ha) were obtained from large size bulb while the lowest (9.60 ton/ha) was in small bulb. It is concluded that large bulb was found to be superior to medium and small bulb for growth and flowering of tuberose cv. single. Keywords: Bulb size, growth, flowering, Tuberose cv. single.
How to cite this article: Akand MSH, Sultana Z, Khatun MM, Patwary NH and Amin MR (2016). Effect of bulb size on growth and flowering of tuberose cv. single. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 30-37. |
Rooting performance of stem cuttings of three ornamental plants as influenced by growth regulators |
Authors: Sultana Z, Akand MSH, Patwary NH, Khatun MM and Amin MR; Pages: 38-45 Zuairia Sultana1 1Crops wing, Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
An experiment was conducted at the Horticulture Farm, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka during the period from mid June to mid August, 2005 to find out the effects of different concentrations of growth regulators, Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) and Napthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) on rooting performance of stem cutting of three ornamental plants viz. Nerium, Bougainvillea and Jasminum. The concentrations of growth regulators of both IBA and NAA were control, 200, 300 and 400 ppm. The cuttings were planted on 13 June, 2005 at a spacing of 15 cm x 15 cm. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The results revealed that both growth regulators IBA and NAA had significant effects on the rooting performance of the ornamental species. Different concentration of growth regulators significantly influenced all the parameters studied. The highest number of root (25.38) was obtained with 400 ppm IBA in Bougainvillea while it was the lowest (8.75) in Nerium at control. The longest root (23.53cm) was produced by 400 ppm IBA in Bougainvillea while Nerium produced the shortest one (6.53 cm) at control. All the different concentrations of IBA and NAA showed higher percentage of success in rooting. Among the species, Bougainvillea showed the maximum percentage of success (95.60) when treated with 400 ppm IBA. On the contrary, Nerium showed the minimum percentage of success (44.33) at control. Keywords: Stem cutting, Nerium, Bougainvillea and Jasminum, growth regulators.
How to cite this article: Sultana Z, Akand MSH, Patwary NH, Khatun MM and Amin MR (2016). Rooting performance of stem cuttings of three ornamental plants as influenced by growth regulators. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 38-45. |
An overview of surgical diseases of food animals in the coastal areas of Bangladesh |
Authors: Samaddar K, Rahman MM, Haque Z, Mia MH, Kundu P and Rahman MA; Pages: 46-59 Kanika Samaddar1 1Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
This study was conducted to observe the surgical affections of food animals in coastal areas of Bangladesh. From 3 distrcits (Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat) a total of 42646 clinically affected animals were found in this survey. Among the total affected animals, 17,323 from Khulna, 14,918 were from Satkhira and 10,405 were from Bagerhat of which 5987 animals of different ages and sexes were surgically affected (cattle = 3576, goat=2599 sheep=16, buffalo= 7, pig=4). The overall occurrence of surgical disorders in the selected coastal areas is 14.04%. The overall surgical disorder is found 14.04%. Among the total hospital cases of selected 3 districts, the proportion of surgical disorders is higher (15.40%) in Khulna followed by 15.10% and 10.22% in Satkhira and Bagerhat, respectively. The study reveals that the most common surgical affections in the study area are navell ill navel ill/joint ill (25.87%), followed by foot diseases (15.83%), myiasis (10.97%), wound (11.64%), teat crack and teat obstruction (9.01%). The occurrence of surgical disorders in cattle (56.13%) was higher than goat (43.41%), sheep (0.26%), buffalo (0.11%) and pig (0.06%). The highest incidence of surgical disorder was found in summer season (40.48%) followed by Rainy season (33.15%) and winter season (24.16%) (Table 4). The highest incidence of surgical disorder is found in female animals (54.97%) than male animals (45.03%). The highest incidence of surgical disorder was found in local breeds (51.46%) than cross bred animals (48.54%). The older aged animals (above 3 years of age) are more susceptible (39.40%) to surgical disorders than younger animals. The highest incidence of surgical disorder was found in open rearing system (64.29%) than confined method of rearing system (35.71%). Information gathered from this study will increase the understanding of clinical cases of surgical origin. Surgical affections are considered as the prime cause of disability of the food animals. Most of the surgical cases may be curable if necessary surgical means are taken in time. The present report will be a tool for the policy maker to improve the livestock by correction of the surgical disorders of food animals. Keywords: Surgical disease, food animal, coastal area, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Samaddar K, Rahman MM, Haque Z, Mia MH, Kundu P and Rahman MA (2016). An overview of surgical diseases of food animals in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 46-59. |
Effects of long-term intensive fertilization on yield and nutrient uptake by rice |
Authors: Sultana F, Zubair MT, Afroz S, Mian MJA and Hashem MA; Pages: 60-71 Farjana Sultana1 1Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
An experiment was carried out during boro season of 2009 in the permanent manurial experimental field of the Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) Farm, Mymensingh. The objectives of present research were to see the impacts of 30 years fertilization on yield contributing characters, yield and nutrient uptake by boro rice. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. There were ten treatment combinations viz, Control, N, NP, NK, NPK, NZn, NS, NSZn, NPKSZn, N+FYM. The experiment covered the period from 09 February to 28 May 2009.The results indicated that the yield contributing characters and yields of BR11 rice were significantly increased due to different treatments. Treatment NPKSZn exerted strong influence on yield contributing characters viz. plant height, number of tillers hill-1, dry matter yield, number of grain panicle-1, number of filled and unfilled grains panicle-1 and 1000 grain weight. Considering the yield contributing parameters and yield, the NPKSZn treatment was found more suitable than others. The phosphorus, potassium and sulphur content in BR11and their uptake were highest due to the treatment NPKSZn although some variations were found in all other treatments. Keywords: Fertilization, Rice, Yield, Nutrient uptake.
How to cite this article: Sultana F, Zubair MT, Afroz S, Mian MJA, Hashem MA (2016). Effects of long-term intensive fertilization on yield and nutrient uptake by rice. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 60-71. |
Effects of household wastes and poultry manures on growth and yield performance of okra |
Authors: Khan RA, Karim AJMS, Islam MR, Aziz MA and Uddin SN ; Pages: 71-86 Rafiqul Alam Khan1 1Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh
A series of field and lab experiments were conducted to study the effect of different aged poultry manures and household wastes on growth parameters of okra in a Shallow Red-Brown Terrace Soil under Modhupur Tract (AEZ-28). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design having three replications with thirteen treatments viz. T1: Recommended dose of chemical fertilizers T2: 30 days aged HWN25 + urea N75, T3: 30 days aged HWN50 + urea N50, T4: 30 days aged HWN75 + urea N25, T5: 60 days aged HWN25 + urea N75, T6: 60 days aged HWN50 + urea N50, T7: 60 days aged HWN75 + urea N25, T8: 30 days aged PMN25 + urea N75, T9: 30 days aged PMN50 + urea N50, T10: 30 days aged PMN75 + urea N25, T11: 60 days aged PMN25 + urea N75, T12: 60 days aged PMN50 + urea N50 and T13: 60 days aged PMN75 + urea N25. Results showed that best performance were obtained with 60 PMN50 + urea N50 treatment i.e. 50% N amendment from poultry manure of recommended dose in plant height at initial and final harvesting, average root length and weight, dry matter production, green fruit size and weight, individual green fruit weight, number of fruits plant-1, fruit yield plant-1 and fruit yield. The treatments which received poultry manure decomposed for 60 days as supplementation of recipral amount of urea performed better than those of the treatments receiving household wastes along with urea N in proportion. The plants grew to the maximum of 30.25 cm, 42.87 cm and 54.5 cm at 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting, respectively from the treatment of 60 PMN50 + urea N50 and the shortest plant appeared to be of 23.8 cm, 33.71 cm and 42.61 recorded at the same periods of 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting, respectively under the treatment of recommended dose of nitrogen as urea only (control treatment). Plant height at final harvest ranged from 70.75 cm to 91.45 cm where the maximum height was recorded from 60 PMN50 + urea N50. The shortest plants were noted from recommended dose of urea nitrogen treatment. Among the treatments of organic manures decomposed for different durations and in supplement with differential amount of recommended dose of nitrogen as urea 60 PMN50 + urea N50 produced the maximum branches of okra (3.63). The same result was also found from 60 PMN75 + urea N25 and these were followed by the treatment of 60 HWN50 + urea N50.The average root length and root weight of all the treatments were higher than those in control treatment. The longest root (21.36 cm) was noted in the treatment of 60 PMN50 + urea N50. The highest fruit length and fruit weight were 12.84 cm and 13.65 g respectively in the same treatment of 60 PMN50 + urea N50 which were identical to the treatment of 60 PMN75 + urea N25 (12.75 cm and 13.65 g). Maximum number of fruits plant-1 of okra (26.88), the highest yield plant-1 (367.1 g) and the maximum yield of okra (14.71 t ha-1) were also recorded from the same (60 PMN50 + urea N50). The minimum number of fruits plant-1 (17.66), the lowest yield plant-1 and the lowest yield (155.01 g and 10.45 t ha-1) were found from control treatment. It was revealed from the results that poultry manure was superior to household wastes in terms of growth and yield of okra plant. Keywords: Household waste, poultry manure, growth and yield, okra
How to cite this article: Khan RA, Karim AJMS, Islam MR, Aziz MA and Uddin SN (2016). Effects of household wastes and poultry manures on growth and yield performance of okra. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 72-86. |
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