Volume 3, Issue 3 (August 2016)
Research Articles
Knowledge of labors on hatchery management | |||||
Authors: Smrity NS, Miah MAM and Rahman MH; Pages: 1-14 Nurzahan Sheikh Smrity Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Bangladesh has an excellent environment for artificial fish seed production. But people don’t utilize it properly because of their lack of knowledge on using hatchery management practices. The main purposes of the study were to determine the knowledge of the labours on hatchery management practices, to explore the relationships between the extent of knowledge of the labours and their selected characteristics and to identify the problems faced by the labours during hatchery management. Data were collected from purposively selected three villages (Raghabpur, Roghurampur, Char Puliamari) of 7 no. Char Nilaksmia in Sadar upazila under Mymensingh district, during April-May, 2014. The sample size of the study was 69 labours from a population of 80 using simple random sampling technique. A mixed-method research design was followed, that means, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. In this connection, both structured and semi-structured questionnaires were prepared for collection of data. To measure the knowledge level, six levels of cognitive domain of Bloom’s revised taxonomy were used. Majority (76.8%) of the labours had high knowledge and 23.2% had medium and there is no labours who had low level of knowledge on hatchery management. Among eight selected characteristics of the labours namely age, annual income, experience in hatchery management, training exposure, organizational participation had positive and significant relationship and three characteristics namely level of education and extension media contact had no relationship to the farm labours knowledge on hatchery management. The high price of artificial fish feed is the main problem of hatchery management identifying by the farm labours. Therefore, it can be suggested that a range of viable policy interventions for the labours, such as providing scientific information and technical supports, massive and relevant training could improve hatchery management practices. Keywords: Knowledge, Labour, Hatchery management.
How to cite this article: Smrity NS, Miah MAM and Rahman MH (2016). Knowledge of labors on hatchery management. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(2): 01-14. |
Isolation and identification of Escherichia Coli from apparently healthy chicken of selected areas of Bangladesh |
Authors: Hadiujjaman M, Rahman MM, Ahasan MD, Banu MA, Khatun MM and Islam MA; Pages: 15-23 Md. Hadiujjaman1,5, Md. Mostafizur Rahman2 1Upazila Livestock Officer, Department of Livestock Services, Fulchhari, Gaibandha-6760, Bangladesh
The study was conducted for Isolation and identification of Escherichia Coli from apparently healthy broiler, layer, sonali and indigenous breeds of chicken from Bogra, Gazipur and Joypurhat districts of Bangladesh. The study was performed using cultural, morphological, biochemical, molecular characteristics and pathogenicity for identification of isolates. A total of 100 cloacal swab samples were collected (25 from each breed group). Of them 67 were found positive for E. coli isolated in EMB agar and MacConkey agar media. The rates of isolation of E. coli were 80%, 68%, 64% 56% from layer, sonali, indigenous and broiler respectively. Over-all prevalence of E. coli was 67%. Area basis prevalence was found 64%, 71% and 65% at Bogra, Gazipur and Joypurhat, respectively. For molecular detection, PCR was done by using the primers EC16srRNA/F (sequences5′-GAC CTC GGT TTA GTT CAC AGA-3′) and EC16srRNA/R of (sequnence5′-CAC ACG CTG ACG CTG ACC A-3′) of 585 bp. Among the four representative isolates of E. coli from four different breeds of chicken, only two of them were confirmed as E. coli by PCR reaction. The genome of E. coli was detected by conventional primers which were not specific for stx, stx2, hlyA etc. The DNA of two other isolates which were failed to detect by the primer of this study, indicated that the two isolates might be of different strains of E. coli. In case of toxin profile bacterial products (Bacteria, Toxin and Bacteria + Toxin) of multidrug sensitive and resistant E. coli isolates of four breeds of three different areas were inoculated orally to a total of 120 day-old broiler chicks. No mortality found indicating that the isolates were non-pathogenic. It can be concluded that non-pathogenic E. coli were prevailing in the study areas. Keywords: Escherichia Coli, Characterization, Chicken, Toxin profile.
How to cite this article: Hadiujjaman M, Rahman MM, Ahasan MD, Banu MA, Khatun MM and Islam MA (2016). Isolation and identification of Escherichia Coli from apparently healthy chicken of selected areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 15-23. |
A new approach of herbal contraception in male Swiss albino mice by Hibiscus rosasinensis: An in vivo study |
Authors: Bhakta S and Das SK ; Pages: 24-29 Sonali Bhakta Department of Anatomy and Histology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
The experiment was conducted to explore the contraceptive effect of the Hibiscus rosasinensis on the testes of the male Swiss albino mice. Twenty (20) Swiss albino mice (male) of 30 days of age (avg. b.wt. 25-28 gm) were purchased from ICDDR,B, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh and they were divided into two groups as: Control group (C) and the treated group (H) each group having 10 mice (6 male and 4 female). The control group was fed with the normal feed (mice pellet) and water ad libitum; and the treated group was fed with the Hibiscus rosasinensis extract @ 500 gm/mice in 20 ml of distilled water by medical micro dropper. The experiment was started at the age of 60 days (as at age of 45-48 they reach to the puberty, before that the mice were reared up to 48 days to observe the normal fertility of the male and female mice and accustomed with the environment as well). The experimental tenure was 42 (uniformity of management for all the groups were maintained) days as three (3) successive cycles were observed and after the treatment the mice were sacrificed ethically and the sample (testes) was collected for the anatomical (gross and histological) observation. The histological observation of the testes revealed that in the treated group (H) the number of the seminiferous tubules reduced and the amount of spermatozoa within the lumen of the seminiferous tubules also decreased. The number of the sertoli and leydig cells also reduced within and between the seminiferous tubules along with slight deposition of fat droplets and vacuolation. The ultimate result of the research divulged that the extract of the Hibiscus rosasinensis had a potential impact on the testis regarding the contraceptive effect as in the treated group the female did not conceive after keeping with the treated male. Keywords: Contraception, Hibiscus rosasinensis, Swiss Albino mice.
How to cite this article: Bhakta S and Das SK (2016). A new approach of herbal contraception in male Swiss albino mice by Hibiscus rosasinensis: An in vivo study, International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 24-29. |
Institutional credit and rural development in Bangladesh |
Authors: Hosen MK, Islam MN, Islam MN, Rahhan MM, Tapu MAI and Begum SA ; Pages: 30-39 Mohammad Kabir Hosen1 1Department of Economics, Dhaka College, National University, Bangladesh
In this Sub-continent, including Bangladesh, micro credit is recognized as an important weapon for the eradication of poverty. The present research is just an attempt to understand the role of micro credit in the rural development of Bangladesh. The main objective of the present research is to know about the influence of programs of micro credit provided by government and non-government organizations. The present research tries to understand deeply how far these programs were effective in the rural development. The research work was conducted in the two villages of Tangail, namely Chalagao and Dhanpara. For the purpose of this research the participant observation method was applied. To understand the steps for the development and the eradication of poverty it is required to carry out the research work. When a researcher is involved in a research to understand the influence of micro credit in Bangladesh, the researcher should not see only the economic aspects of a village, i.e. the economic situation or the changes in it, but he or she should also collect information about rural family system, nature of kinship, social organizations etc. along with the information related to micro credit. The main objective of this research is to discuss and analyze, on the basis of information collected from the field, how far the micro credit played effective role in the development of agrarian rural society of Bangladesh. To what extent micro credit plays a role in the rural economy is still a debatable question. But it is true that micro credit may be considered as a step toward rural development and poverty reduction only if the loan giving government organizations can remove the mismanagement in the process of giving loan and if the non-government organizations give up their commercial mentality. Keywords: Micro Credit, Rural development, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Hosen MK, Islam MN, Islam MN, Rahhan MM, Tapu MAI and Begum SA (2016). Institutional credit and rural development in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 30-39. |
Performance of wheat with System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) using different nutrient management and plant spacing |
Authors: Rakib RS, Islam N and Kader MA ; Pages: 40-47 Razvi Samad Rakib Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
The study was carried out at the Agronomy Field Laboratory of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period from November 2011 to March 2012 to evaluate the performance of wheat under various nutrient management and plant spacing as a System of Wheat Intensification (SWI). A widely used wheat variety BARI GOM-24 (Prodip) was tested under the system. The treatments include (i) three nutrient doses viz. full recommended fertilizer (RF), full compost (12 t ha-1) and 50% RF+50% compost (ii) two line spacing viz. 25 and 30 cm and (iii) three plant spacing viz. 10, 15 and 20 cm. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The main effects of fertilizer dose and interaction effect between fertilizer dose and line spacing, fertilizer dose and plant spacing and three-factor interaction i.e. fertilizer dose, line spacing and plant spacing were significant at P<0.01 for almost all yield attributes and grain yield of wheat. Full RF dose performed extraordinary for all the plant characters giving the highest number of tillers plant-1 (5.58), the length of spike (11.32cm), the number of grains spike-1 (46.92), grains (2.99 t ha-1) and straw yield (5.26 t ha-1). The grain yield reduced by 47.2 and 40.5% for using full compost and half RF and half compost dose, respectively. The most remarkable interaction effect of line and plant spacing is the production of the greater amount of biomass that eventually gave the highest grain yield (3.05 t ha-1) for closer spacing (25×10 cm). The overall performance of wheat in respect of yield contributing characters and grain yield was much better for full RF dose irrespective of spacing indicating fertilizer nutrient plays the dominant role in improving plant performance. Comparing the conventional system of fertilization with other treatment combinations, full RF dose and closer spacing increased grain yield by 50.5% followed by 18.2% for full RF dose and closer plant spacing with wider line distance. The result suggests that adoption of SWI methods by maintaining appropriate plant spacing and nutrient management could greatly enhance wheat production in the subtropical regions. Keywords: Nutrient, Plant spacing, SWI, Yield attributes, Grain yield.
How to cite this article: Rakib RS, Islam N and Kader MA (2016). Performance of wheat with System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) using different nutrient management and plant spacing. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 40-47. |
Economic growth of Bangladesh and external sector behavior |
Authors: Hosen MK, Islam MN, Tapu MAI, Islam MN, Mia MFA and Begum SA; Pages: 48-63 Mohammad Kabir Hosen1 1Department of Economics, Dhaka College, National University, Bangladesh
The report entitled “Analysis of Economic Growth and External Sector Behavior” mainly focuses on the study of the structure of the external sector of Bangladesh and its impact on GDP. It involves economic models developed to determine the impact of each sector-Export, Import, Foreign Aid and Remittance, on GDP of Bangladesh. It also involves an analysis of the behavior of these factors in three SAARC countries and the application of the regression model developed. The economic model was developed based on the past behavior of GDP and the external sector. It indicated that Remittance is the sector having the most significant impact on GDP and aid the second most significant. While imports negatively affect economic growth, exports have played a very important role over the period. The remittance of Bangladesh has been increasing over the last few years. Hence, its impact on GDP has also been rising. In the span of 34 years export as percentage of GDP increased from 2.2% to 15.4%. Hence, performance was moderately good. The economy has been suffering from ever increasing trade deficits, despite several export promotional measures. Large import payments mainly account for this problem. Foreign aid shows large fluctuations over the period. Finally, an analysis was conducted on the behavior of the external sectors in the SAARC countries using the regression model. Export was found to be the dominant sector in India, while imports had the minimum impact on GDP. Pakistan was found to be more dependent on export and foreign aid than on remittance and import. Keywords: Economic growth, Remittance, Export, Import, Foreign aid, Bangladesh.
How to cite this article: Hosen MK, Islam MN, Tapu MAI, Islam MN, Mia MFA and Begum SA (2016). Economic growth of Bangladesh and external sector behavior. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 48-63. |
Growth and reproductive fitness of different chicken breed |
Authors: Sarker NR, Ritchil AM, Ali MA and Howlider MAR ; Pages: 64-71 Nipa Rani Sarker1 1Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Hajee Mohammed Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh
The present study focused on the growth and reproductive performance of White Plymouth Rock (WPR), Rhode Island Red (RIR), Aseel and Indigenous (Desi) chickens in intensive management system. A total 162 day-old chicken (WPR=75, RIR=36, Indigenous (Desi)=36 and Aseel=15) were selected for a period of 32 weeks of age. The day old weight of WPR, RIR, Aseel and Indigenous (Desi) chickens were 31, 30, 31 and 25g respectively. The body weight at 7, 20 and 32 weeks was highest in Aseel and lowest in Desi chicken. The body weight of WPR and RIR had almost similar body weight (P>0.05). The feed consumption was higher in WPR and Aseel followed by RIR and Desi chicken in all stages of growth and production. The WPR, RIR and Desi chicken attained sexual maturity earlier (P<0.05) than Aseel. The egg weight at 1st lay were 41, 40, 41 and 31g which increased to 55.00, 50.33, 59.00 and 41.00g in WPR, RIR, Aseel and Desi chicken at 32 weeks of age (P<0.05). The hen day egg production was 45, 45, 39 and 37% respectively. The livability during laying periods among different breeds was almost similar (WPR=87.33±2.80, RIR=90.66±2.80, Assel=100.00±2.80and Desi=100.00±2.80) (P>0.05). The study revealed that the growth performance of Aseel was higher (M=2276.67±54.62 and F=1860.00±42.24 at 32 weeks) (P<0.05) at all stages of growth than those of other breeds. The growth rate of WPR (M=2100.00±54.62 and F=1640.00±42.24) and RIR (M=2156.67±54.62 and F=1450.00±42.24 at 32 weeks) is moderate. Keywords: Growth and Reproduction, White Plymouth Rock
How to cite this article: Sarker NR, Ritchil AM, Ali MA and Howlider MAR (2016). Growth and reproductive fitness of different chicken breed. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 64-71. |
Determination of microbiological quality of dried jat punti (Puntius sophore) collected from Sylhet district, Bangladesh |
Authors: Hussain MA, Sayeed MA, Kabir ML, Sumon TA, Himu SD and Sumon MAA ; Pages: 72-79 Md. Ashraf Hussain1, Md. Abu Sayeed1, Md. Lutful Kabir1, Tofael Ahmed Sumon2 1Department of Fisheries Technology and Quality Control, Faculty of Fisheries, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh
Dried fish is one of the most popular sources of dietary protein in Bangladesh and play a vital role in providing nutrition for the economically disadvantaged people. Yet there are frequent complaints on the quality of dried fish which are processed by traditional methods. Comparatively a few studies have been conducted on microbiological quality of dried fish produced in Bangladesh. Considering the above context, this study was carried out to investigate the microbiological quality of dried jat punti (Puntius sophore) available in Sylhet region of Bangladesh. The samples were collected over a period of five months from December 2014 to April 2015 from two drying yards of Mahtabpur (DY-1) and Tuker Bazar (DY-2) and a retail of market of Sylhet district. Control samples were prepared in laboratory condition. Significantly highest and lowest TPC (Total plate count), TFC (Total fungal count) and TCC (Total coliform count) was found in samples of retail market and control, respectively. No significant differences were observed in TPC, TFC and TCC between DY-1 and DY-2. Besides this, 25 dried jat punti samples from each four sources were analyzed to detect Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Vibrio cholera. E. coli was found in all the samples (100%) of both drying yards and retail market but 60% in control samples. Highest amount (44%) of Salmonella was detected in retail market samples followed by DY-2 (36%) and DY-1 (32%), respectively. Samples of DY-1 (28%), DY-2 (24%) and retail market (40%) were found contaminated with V. cholera as well. However, Salmonella and V. cholerae were not found in control sample. Findings of this study discovered poor microbiological quality of dried jat punti of this region. Keywords: Dried fish, Puntius sophore, Microbiological quality, Salmonella, V. cholerae.
How to cite this article: Hussain MA, Sayeed MA, Kabir ML, Sumon TA, Himu SD and Sumon MAA (2016). Determination of microbiological quality of dried jat punti (Puntius sophore) collected from Sylhet district, Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 72-79. |
Present status of fisher community of Jamuna river in Sariakandi, Bangladesh |
Authors: Mondal DK, Halim MA, Rahman MM, Taiyebi KA, Siddiky MNSM and Ali A; Pages: 80-85 Debashis Kumar Mondal1 1Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Freshwater Sub-station, Jessore, Bangladesh
The present study was conducted to assess the livelihood status of fisher community of the Jamuna river near Sariakandi Upazila of Bogra district of Bangladesh from August to December, 2015. Data were collected through the use of well-structured questionnaire from 40 fishermen of the selected area. The survey revealed that most of the fishermen were belonged to the age groups of 30 to 50 years (58.00%), represented by 87% Muslim. About 65% of the fishermen had small family with 3 to 4 members; 22% had medium family with 5 to 7 members and 13% had large family with more than 8 members. Over 56.5% of the fishermen solely depend on fishing as their occupation. Besides fishing, 23.5% was engaged in agriculture, 9% in daily labor activities, 5% livestock rearing and 6% small business. About 14% of the fishermen were only could write name while 74%, 10% and 2% of the fishermen were illiterate, primary and secondary level of education respectively. About 68.5% of the fishermen received health service from village doctors, 21.5% from Upazila health complex and remaining 10% got health service from MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and of Surgery ) doctors. Most of the people (55%) have kacha house with tin roofing, 32.5% have house with straw roof, 9.5% have semi-paka house and only 10% of the people have paka house. Majority (45%) of the fishermen had medium (61,000-1,20,000 TK.) annual income whereas 23% of the fishermen had low (35,000-60,000TK.) annual income and 32% of the fishermen had high (above 1,20,000 TK.) annual income. The poor condition of most of the fisher may be due to scarcity of alternate employment opportunities, low education facilities, lack of nearby market for selling of fish, lack of sanitation and credit facilities, non-availability of own fishing net and insufficient government support such as Vulnerable Group Feeding cards. Keywords: Present status, Fisher community, Sariakandi.
How to cite this article: Mondal DK, Halim MA, Rahman MM, Taiyebi KA, Siddiky MNSM and Ali A (2016). Present status of fisher community of Jamuna river in Sariakandi, Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 80-85. |
Chemical and microbial analysis of dry meat |
Authors: Sarker MS, Rabbi SF-I and Siddika A ; Pages: 86-89 M. Shohag Sarker Department of Food Engineering & Technology, State University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh
The study was aimed to determine the quality of dry meat following chemical and microbial analysis. For this purpose beef sample was used. The beef was processed to make flat pieces for drying. The meat was dipped in salt solution (14% common salt) and dried at 70-80o C for 8 hours in oven. The different chemicals analysis such as protein, fat, moisture and microbial analysis were done. The PH values of dry beef was 5.4 to 6.0 and muscle tissue 7.0 to 7.2. The prepared goods have been tasted for physical, chemical and instrumental test. In chemical analysis moisture content was 12%, fat content was 0.13%, ash content was 2.11% protein content was 85.76%. In microbial analysis maximum value of mould count was 2.84 log cfu/ml & maximum value of bacteria count was 2.84 log cfu/ml. The study suggests that the study suggests that dry meat would be safe and nutritious for human consumption if the quality of the finished product is ensured.. Keywords: Dry beef meat, Chemical analysis, Microbial analysis.
How to cite this article: Sarker MS, Rabbi SF-I and Siddika A (2016). Chemical and microbial analysis of dry meat. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 3(3): 86-89. |
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